So if I throw gum at you on the subway, you’re going to be all chill about it, right?
I'm going to assume it's because she's a woman, and inherently dummer.
Siphoning gas while smoking a cigarette. As a smoker and having siphoned gas (legally) the two are horrible for you alone but combined... you get this.
So the secretary employed by an NFL team is also an NFL player? You need to actually touch the field in official, regular season play to be called a player otherwise you’re just a line item on an invoice sheet.
1st Gear - Stop with the ridiculous CAFE requirements. If people wanted cars that were appliances on wheels that were nothing but a mode of transportation with really high MPG ratings, they’d buy them. People want more than that. Don’t punish a company because people want to buy their V8 muscle car over the…
So basically they are forcing our cars to be electric...
I didn’t know Harbor Freight sold rims that size.
I worked at Burger King for 2 years during high school in the 90s. The pay sucked. I started at 4.25 an hour and when I left I was making 4.50. It was the best time of my life though. A bunch of kids who loved working with each other and who partied together on weekends. Part of the bad rap fast food business gets now…
Dick Trickle did it best.
was that last paragraph a tweet by mcnabb?
Disagree with all of them. Almost all of them look great in pictures. Except the damn Cherokee.
People are going to go apeshit when she awards a first down for advancing 7.8 yards.
AH HA! Found it!