Good riddance. I'm sick of society worshiping professional athletes. This bum beat the piss out of a child. How can I root for him every Sunday knowing he sees nothing wrong with that?
I'd love to see him traded to Cleveland
Good riddance. I'm sick of society worshiping professional athletes. This bum beat the piss out of a child. How can I root for him every Sunday knowing he sees nothing wrong with that?
I'd love to see him traded to Cleveland
Somebody get SFMikee on the case!…
One obstacle to pairing and maintaining a Bluetooth connection is the phone's hardware. Automakers test dozens, sometimes hundreds, of devices, primarily composed of the most popular models at the time. But that could've been three to six years ago, ages in the consumer electronics world.
Minnesota City, MN
because it doesn't exist anymore
I'm I missing something obvious, or is this just a guy straightening his tie?
It does not come on or go off with the car, you have to take time to wake it up and then when you shut down the car, turn it off.
for reference:
You can finance a new $25k car for less than $200 a month.
Can't be any worse than Belzer's