
If I was referencing ‘legit animal abuse’ I would have brought up dog fighting. These dog weight pulls are perfectly legal and the people involved with it think that it is as ‘legit’ as horse racing.

I usually have to go to White Castle for my horse beef.

Maybe Restoring Hope just came to the conclusion that life is meaningless and winning wouldn’t bring him any joy; but coming in last would greatly dishonor the weird little person who rides and kicks him, like he’s somehow the dominant species. Horse enthusiasts are the worst

Many cars would smoke it at a stoplight, but that’s missing the point entirely.

You really need to stfu with your attitude and this ignorant kind argument needs to die already. Who gives a damn fuck whether he designed 0 or 100 cars, the only question is whether his statements are correct. And as a fellow designer, I tend to agree with his points even though I still like the direction they took

“from a designer’s standpoint...” and who do you think designed the car, some random schmucks? Or maybe just maybe they too are designers and maybe just maybe they too have an idea of what they are doing. When was the last time your designing self dropped something that beautiful on us? Get out of your own ass.

I emerged from Cleveland but I can’t speak for any other idiots

With friends like you no wonder she killed herself, you fucking heartless demented bitch.

Because having depression is so manageable, right? Just don’t do it. Or wait until she’s no longer a minor to do. So if he did it when she was 18 you’re cool with it but if he did when she was 17 you’d still be pissed? That makes a lot of sense. You’re trying to use logic to explain why someone shouldn’t commit

Go to the UK? And we’re just supposed to forget about Amritsar and Mau Mau? I don’t think so.

I knew he looked familiar.

A young Enzo Ferrari posing proudly next to his first production road car, 1947.

Most of us could post this and it still wouldn’t be a double post.

Follow up articles:

Read this VERY carefully, it may save your life.

Fuck the Jeep Liberty.

This is the best article about dirt that I have read all day.

“Someone likes a thing that I don’t, they must be trash.” - Actual trash.

This seems like a weird place to judge people based on their interests.

What in the hell is going on in these comments? What has Jalopnik become? Porsche is bringing an uncorked 919 to the Nordschleife just for the kicks. That’s awesome!

Here’s his video of me driving.