
Right? Flugplatz is a well-known section of the Ring. I remember in 2015 a GTR flipped over its catch fence claiming the life of a spectator for the first time in the track’s history. I get what you mean, but that might not be the best example. 

A bit specific (I drive an 87 Camaro), but subframe connectors are hands-down the best mod for a third gen F-body. Removes all chassis twist, improves NHV, flattens the ride, AND you’ll finally be able to open the door when the car’s on a jack. For any car with a weak/flexible chassis - subframe connectors will


Agreed. COTD 4EVA <3

The diamond in the diamond in the diamon in the rough in the rough in the rough.

same. ugh it’s such a perfect song haha.

I did the same thing. Bought an 87 Camaro at 17 years old, blew the motor, went away to college, got to work, and just now restored her at age 30. Puts a smile on my face every single time I even look at her. It’s worth it man, best of luck.

Give the cop a great first impression - car off and keys in plain sight on the dash board, cabin light on so everything is well-lit, window completely down, and both hands on the steering wheel. Above ALL things, an officer wants to feel comfortable approaching your vehicle and talking to you. If you put him at ease