
One day when I was a young lad driving along with my older brother I asked him why there was a key hole next to lever thing (gear stick). He said, “If you turn the key the car will start flying.” Anything like keys and red buttons have to get pushed just so I can silence the voice that tells me cars will suddenly

I looked at this and thought, ‘Meh, it’s a 1968 Corvette blended with an Opel of the same year.” Then I looked at the date. Whoa! Did Chevy designers steal this concept??? No surprising, since it happened a lot, but still.....

You’re suggesting investing in a Dodge Neon to someday be a high bid at a collectible car auction? Crack Pipe COTD.

Steaming? They were only Lukewarm.

I picture her slicing the family open like a loyal tauntaun, then crawling inside their steaming carcasses.

So it appears the only way to keep Carroll Shelby from signing a Cobra glovebox is to hide the car from him.

It doesn’t happen as much anymore, but as a female, in the past I would frequently get the second degree about whether I knew what I was doing when I went to get parts. And then there were times when I was brought the wrong part, insisted it was the wrong part, showed them why it was the wrong part, and was still

They enter everything into the computer, even if it’s a maintenance item that is consistent across the vehicle. The person working with you has NO idea if the wiper is the same on all models / trims / variations of your particular vehicle.

Oh-oh-oh O’Reillyyyyyyyyyyyy...

This is some good work Ryan. Thanks. I know its about as “cool” as using the torque wrench in high school shop class to tighten your wheel lugs but as someone who has studied a great deal about engineering (im not an engineer, I just play one on TV) Im more and more convinced that structural limits are no joke and are

This is the kind of investigative reporting that keeps me reading Jalopnik every day. Outstanding work.

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words wounds.

No it’s not, but thanks for proving my point.

To be fair, it is actually racist in every single context - as much as people want to try and pretend it’s not.

Well, I think she has nice ridgelines.

Meth gives you killer triceps?

he needs a shave

I like that analogy, but my experience was a little different. It was more like my ex that I let go because she had a ton of problems and didn’t move most of the time. When you see her a few years later, you realize she let herself go, sagging in a few places, needing some body work. You feel a tinge of nostalgia, but

It’s like running into that ex that you loved, but ultimately couldn’t provide for financially and emotionally like the guy she ended up with. You want to be mad, but you can tell that they truly love and care for one another, so it makes you happy to see them together. But it still sucks a little bit.

The boomers dying off is going to solve a LOT of problems.