
Oh yes we fucking can. This is america, buddy. Speculating without any information at all is how we built this country.

Well, that and slaves. But we’ve pretty much done all we can to forget about that by now.

Pretty sure this isn’t how direct injection works

Remember when the sound of a Formula 1 engine was all you needed to get aroused? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

Should have tried for the whole Firebird.


I am not so sure you understood the point of my post but hey, way to work that Ford!

Listen Tom, if aliens show up and vaporize the Earth as a goof, why worry? There’s nothing you could do to prevent it, your incinerated remains would not be able to have an opinion after the fact, and deep down you already know we had it coming.

Running someone down? Very bad!

Yeah, that’s weird, considering that injuries are also casualties.

To be fair, there has never been a lower hanging fruit.

Is this website capable of writing an F1 article without taking a swipe at Honda.

Shit like this (and the fact that I have no extra money laying around) is why I don’t think I’ll ever finance a new/used car again. I’ve bought one new car and two used cars from dealerships, and each time I came away feeling like I’d been taken advantage of in one way or another. That’s partly my fault for being a


Toyota HQ right now:

Pai deserves a lot more than a simple crowbar to the shin. Upgrade to the Xfinity Comments Plus package to read more.

I know I’m not supposed to wish crowbars to the shins on people, but hey, the heart wants what the heart wants.

Do prisons across the pond not have guards? Everyone is on the honor system?

Fun story! I work for a company than manufactures high explosives and solid rocket propellant. I handle, on occasion, everything from innocuous things like aluminum powder to RDX, Nitro Glycerin, Ammonium Perchlorate, and plenty of other things that terrorists only wish they could build their shitty little pipe bombs

LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!!!!!!! EPic!

Relax buddy, we’re all friends here. We don’t attack the mentally ill.