
you’re better than me. I didn’t realize there was something TO get until you indicated as such.

“Blue flecks” -it took me a moment.....I then choked on my coffee.

Captain America.

Muriwai White paint is white with blue flecks.

Poor guy, it’s been so long since he’s made a decision for himself he doesn’t know what to do.

These are terrible choices for someone who doesn’t want a project. It’s like suggesting meth to someone trying to get off of heroin.

Username checks out

He then proceeded to sexually assault the rabbit. Welcome to 2017.

...to a kiddie paper, maybe?

It had 18 problems and each cylinder was one.

Not just the rims ... they took the whole wheels!

According to the dude, it really does.

Hey let’s be honest a lot of things should be abandoned due to “problems”.

Why wear camouflage when you can go commando?

10/10 would daily

How Do Missile Defense Systems Work?

7 years.

where is he? who knows

I was a member of a well known Supra club in SoCal in the early 00s. After karts one meetup, we went and had boba tea where some guy pulled up in a really nice looking 300ZX Twin Turbo. He complimented our cars and a member of our party decided to not just insult his, but kick in the guy’s fender. For No. Fucking.

Wait I remember that photographer-Ferrari story, wasnt it posted before?