
It’s so the badges are flush with body. That’s why it’s such an expensive option to “stick some badges on the sides” of a Ferrari.

Wrong. Learn your physics man, Torque only provides an acceleration. Acceleration is instantaneous and doesn’t imply movement in terms of velocity or in terms of point A to B.

This needs to be COTD.

so he has no money? you telling me he is another 50 cents?

When he decided to sell the car, he should have Cena lawsuit coming.

I don’t see the issue.


Sounds like you got a huge load off there my friend. Feel about 50 lbs lighter?

Thank you Mr. Fancy Pants haiku creator.

Stone Cold Steve Austin gargling wood screws

Are you high? You honestly think that punishment in the form of removing one’s ability to drive to their place of employment (something that enables loan repayment) isn’t slavery? They would be better off throwing that person in jail, because at least they’d have guaranteed 3 meals a day and a place to sleep.

subsidized Student Loans can’t be paid off w/ a credit card.

Ah the old victim mentality game. So let me make sure I understand correctly. No matter what happens in life, and if rules are made, no matter the reasoning behind them, we just need to STFU and pull ourselves up by our bootstraps?

Can you still do that?

My cousin’s sister’s dad’s nephew makes $6,800 per week from home by selling snails online only a couple hours a day!!! 

Naw, they’ll be fine. It’s easy to get from one place to another in South Dakota without a car.

God damn this makes me mad, and I’m not even a SD resident or an American. If people lose access to their cars and professional licenses due to debts that can’t be discharged in a bankruptcy, the only escape from poverty would appear to be 250 grains of lead and 30 grains of powder.

Defaulted on a student loan? Better take away their driver’s license so they really can’t make money.

“Having trouble paying your student loans? FUCK YOU, HAVE SOME MORE!”

Then Patrick, change your terminology. A bomb is not the same as a ICBM. The delivery device does not equate.