Pro Tennis is so sleazy
Pro Tennis is so sleazy
Contra: Gulf is completely washed at this point and has been overused to cliche status.
And Farmers was there to insure it (shows plaque say “Ursidae Disasterae”)
Yeah, but Virginia would then shoot him into the sun from that jail.
If he did that in Virginia, he would be in jail.
Honda Element, Subaru Outback, Subaru Forester- just look at the parking lot of any bike race. Tons of them.
My cat’s new name is the sound of the cat food bag.
As a Virginia alum, this is how they suck you in. Then BAM- you’re watching them lose to some random team at home they paid to be there. Plus all the 16 seed jokes. So many jokes. . .
Deterrence- you can’t buy back your customize hoopty if we crush it, so pay yo taxes. Plus they already bought the bulldozer. . .
Hah, as a tough manly man, nothing makes me cry!
No full size pickups? Shenanigans.
The Chipolte app keeps crashing lol- nice job Chipolte corporate.
Braking System: Oh yeah, Hold My Beer. . . .
Alt title: I wanted one in the worst way, and I certainly got it that way.
Found it: Monty Python and the Holy Grail:
Pretty sure that was a Monty Python thing
If its not numbers matching, sure go nuts. If it has 200k, also go nuts. Otherwise please save the s14s!
Needs some Yakkety Sax
Just walk quietly away. I did it first from fantasy, then from the rest. I will watch socially with others at parties and such but I simply don’t really care. Awful owners, worse “leadership” and you are literally watching people loaded with PEDs and painkillers given each other CTE. Hell most people care more about…
Jealousy is unbecoming. . . .