Drunk as a skunk, claim it was a deer!
Drunk as a skunk, claim it was a deer!
The multiplayer was way better than the single player. Which isn’t great on primarily a single player game. Good co-op fun.
“Meh” has its valid use case- when someone is trying to get you outraged about something insipid or making a huge deal out of something that doesn’t really matter. Deploy that “Meh” with the appropriate shrug. Like when someone try’s to win a point citing John Hodgeman- NPR’s 70th best comedian.
It worked for Hamilton at Mercedes, and now he basically runs the team and makes Toto carry his luggage. Its charming- especially when Hamilton craps all over the team over the radio when he’s not in first. The camera cut to the pit box where Toto’s will to live is leaving him in real time is a real highlight of late…
This is the before in every cross-fit ad.
He will cry himself to sleep on a giant pile of money he gets despite not being all that good at his job. Then get fired, then scupper off to college football to get overpaid to coach at a PAC-10 school.
Can we stop pretending this is a car. Its a jet without wings, and about as relevant as Truckasaurus is to anything automotive. Its not automobiles done well, its aviation done poorly. #getoffmylawn
Keep Failing up Johan. Just because you were a disaster at both jobs that you had any real input and control in doesn’t mean you won’t suck this time. Ha ha- that just dry German humor, your the last live body we could find not tainted by Dieselgate!
I hope Drew is getting royalties out of this.
Jesus, that was a kill shot on New Jersey. Go ahead and cue up the “stop he’s dead already” Simpsons meme. 10/10, utter perfection.
Good luck finding one even at MRSP- demand is way over supply for these (and was last year too).
Dear Deadspin: Intervention time; The constant Simmons stuff sounds way too much like “Notice Me Sempei!”. Its unseemly. Given the rather dire Deadspin ownership issues (sorry about that, you guys deserve better) I understand your obsession with Simmons and the Ringer. But its not a good look. Maybe stick with…
The new Browns!
Its almost like having a FailSon owner give a washed up has-been fake tough guy coach and fellow TV pretend know-er of things massive contracts to the coach with no supervision, and his lacky of a GM (respectively) was doomed to failure. And then adding a talented, but possibly crazypants diva WR made it even worse.…
Bridgette used to counter Tracer and Genji, before she was nerfed into a smoldering crater. Now they lack any hard counters, especially the cover girl, which is unfortunate. Making annoying Tracer mains rage was the one upside to Bridgette, before she was ruined. Mercy is in a pretty bad place as well.
1.Rural and poor reception areas. 2. How many are dash cams?
Don’t be surprised if the XT6 sells a lot better than you would expect.
Having owned a third gen and now a fifth gen 4runner, go for it, they are awesome. Reliable, tough, durable and charming in their own truckish way. Only downside is they retain value strongly through 200k miles, so entry costs can be higher. Oh and rust can be a issue 3rd gen and older, so inspect accordingly.
Max got mad he got a bad start and overdrove the car, pullling a last year’s “Verstappen Special”, guess he hasn’t learned yet. He did sound mature in the presser, so in some ways he has. Despite the rabid Dutch fans, still no evidence he is actually better than Riccardo (who surely is regretting the Renault move).
Hamilton calls the shots on that team. Wolfe has been a figurehead since Hamilton punked him repeatedly when he sabotaged Nico and ignored EXPLICT orders from Wolfe over the radio. Hamilton got zero punishment, and Wolfe zero backing, from team ownership and now Hamilton is the boss. He wants a subservient driver in…