
That and Steam refunds.

Even if the bench slips significantly to “average” that would make them very dangerous in the West. Houston might be feisty too. Going to be a fun year to watch NBA. 

Fake badges make me a Sad Panda, and earn this a CP.


nevermind insurance issues and po-po issues, so this is bad idea jeans level bad idea.

Note: the Sales Tax is many states will straight up fiscally murder you doing this, so have a very good understanding of what your locality charges (we don’t even get a trade in discount here).

That announcer deserves a promotion right meow.

See you after just one more turn.

Here are the dates which may help readers:

Radio back in the day- big money for certain shows

This is the best electonic stick for streaming media advertisment- IN THE WORLD

My Body Is Ready

Where? Where could you even go this fast safely. The old car only had a few places it could be maxxed out, and most were private. So this is “faster” good luck proving it IRL.

Seriously, Taco trucks on every corner is the “chicken in every pot” for 2016. If voting Hillary gets you that, we are looking a Reagan level landslide.

Of course the two most likely to be juiced riders on the most like to be juiced team (not named Astana) don’t want poeple measuring their watts on the climbs. They also think the bio passport is bad too I bet. . .

Horse: You wanted over the fence, you’re over the fence!

There is no spoon. . .

The shadows artfully hide all the fluids leaking out of it.

Just needs Chris Evans screaming (says nobody).

“So, other that that- how was your weekend?”