
He was literally cheating the drug test- try not to be so dense and/or take off the Broncos jersey. Oy.

Man, lovable idiot is almost the best you can aspire to forum wise. Heck, that’s potential tombstone material. . . .


See, cheaters DO prosper. One old saying completely debunked.

Rampant PED abuse?

Sell it to them. They have complete crushed the value of these already.

Until they remove Chris Evans they are screwed, he is that unpleasant. Make Matt the “host” and the other presenters the stars of the segments and stop rehashing old bits, and then your onto something at least. But the Evans decision most be causing the BBC major heartache as they can’t afford to fire him because of

(2) Playing football without steroids. . .

Nice to see a Doper get paid. Remember, doping in track and field or baseball is bad, doping in football is perfectly fine.

Hope they get the same prison cell, and they make a reality show out of it. #itsalwaysaMustang

I assume 90% of these are sarcastically sent to friends. The other 10% are joking sexy time invoices.

Alfa is dead. These are just Sergio’s terrible Fiats. The 4c looks like a flop as does this. Without getting gifted Jeep thanks to the Cerebrus being terrible, Sergio would be an unemployed sweater model.

Having a Subaru STI in Virginia is like a red flag on the floor during a bull convention. I may have to sell it for a true sleeper.

Chris Evans “Is this how you humans do it?”

but look at how well Fiat has done!

new 2017 wagon coming on a new stiffer platform!


I assume Team Ganassi is getting the Team Ferrari treatment F1 style.

We are less shocked than you would think. And seeing how busy Toyota has been with the ugly stick on its new models, sometimes conservative is a good thing, especially for Impreza buyers. Plus the Sport wagon looks promising for bike race transport.

They make honest to goodness wagons. And will sell them to us. In 2016. Are you not entertained?