
That and filters for her photos. I say this after spending the third night in a row on the floor in my toddler’s room so the whole house could get some sleep. 

How in the WORLD does Gigi not have undereye bags/circles, as a mom of a newborn?? Either her night nanny is a wizard (entirely possible) or she won the genetic lottery AGAIN.

Digging Leighton Meester’s Gin Blossoms reunion tour vibe.

I worship at Tana French’s feet. In The Woods and The Likeness are yearly rereads for me (I love The Secret History, too). But after Broken Harbor, I started to love the books less. I feel like she did her best when she stuck to Irish history, folklore, and current affairs. I’m glad I put this on my library list

Oof, this has taken Bill Nighy down a couple of pegs in my regard. 

It’s also possible she’s been lying about her age and forgot that the math doesn’t add up.

Since PBR Coffee is shockingly delicious, I wouldn’t say no this.

That’s so weird. I was playing with this old Ouija board I found in the attic of this creepy old Victorian home that my white ethnic friend from a long line of sensitives lives in, as one does, and it spelled out “emerald marine chocolate mint tart”. Clearly, a dire warning.

Well I’m doing my part. I’m not a teen, but I know what teens buy and I’m buying all that stuff to make up the difference. I’m talking: Pogs, candy-flavored liquor, Poodle skirts, Magic cards, premarital sex, lip gloss, Beatles LPs, jean jackets, heroin, illegal abortions, Sony walkmen, untraceable firearms, posters

I take this as proof that Harris — being the former AG from California — has personal knowledge of the existence and location of the community where all celebrities that faked their deaths reside.

Be respectful, that’s Alan Dershowitz you’re speaking to.

Somehow, without any real evidence, I am blaming JK Rowling.

Some republican idiot would. Nobody else.

40% of this benighted country.

Oh well, you know, just Everyone who has let this Busted Can of Dough get away with all the shit for 4 years. Because he’s a special boy.

he arrived late because he knew he was positive, he knew they wouldn’t let him in otherwise so basically did it “on his honor” which- REALLY??? who would approve that??”

Trump doesn’t know “honor” is an actual word, much less have any clue what the concept is.

The long-dead Bulgarian prophetess Baba Vanga, who purportedly predicted 9/11, apparently foresaw that the 45th American president would suffer from “a mysterious illness” in 2020 that would leave him blind and with a brain tumor.

He’s been ‘fever free and off oxygen for 24 hours’?

Who is Katharine McPhee?