now you tell me! I have a 1.5 year old Scorp and yeah....I can’t even imagine what the terrible twos are going to be like
now you tell me! I have a 1.5 year old Scorp and yeah....I can’t even imagine what the terrible twos are going to be like
Right?? I became convinced that he and Jessica would get together- and worse! that they should
I have one and that feels like plenty, no thank you from me and my vag
I feel like I would initially be lowkey pissed about the cheating but then I feel like Brad would be all but I brought this wine from my vineyard that I had made for you and it would all go down from there (up? who knows)
!! yes I cannot buy yeast anywhere, its maddening
oh gosh that Diana Ross portrait is so gorgeous, I’ve never seen that, thanks
agree liked Conversations with Friends much better than Normal People
I stopped running at about 5 months pregnant because I thought my pelvis was going to break in half and also I had to pee every 15 minutes
Yeah I’ve endured a lot of pain too and that was before I had back labor for 8+ hours and then got an epidural that did. not. work. So good luck to whatsherface up there
Yeah I feel like I read somewhere that he didn’t even acknowledge Adonis until he was a year old
Is that her nanny in the photo? Or did she have more surgery?
ok but only if you name your dag Echo
Well that quote right there shows why Jen never had kids
I LOVE IT. And it looks great with your coloring!
Please make this into a move. Under the Opium Sun? My Tuscan Opium Adventure? Don’t care would watch
Haaaahaaa this is exactly something that would happen to me! Once time my bf and I went to FL for a trip to stay with his parents for a few nights and then they were taking off and we would have the house to ourselves. I literally got my period as we were driving them to the airport. Not a lot of boning as back then I…
Dude I’ve been to Asia and no children of either gender tried to jump me. Perhaps he was in a brothel not casually walking down the street
I think he was one of those charismatic weirdos who had a big thing for rich ppl and would tell them whatever they wanted to hear to gain access to their inner life
I clicked on the link because I thought Jodie Turner-Smith was the name of the girl from Full House and was like wow did not know about that couple and apparently they are thinking Canada where Pacey is from and she says Britain is a shitshow