
Oh man I can’t imagine growing up with only baths/also having no hot water for anyone to take a long enough bath. I thought about taking a bath the other day and then realized I had to clean the tub so that was a no

I absolutely loathe the term “self care” and how it has been coopted by the fake wellness industry. BUT I will say nothing makes you feel better than a clean, fresh warm towel after a hot shower. Well maybe like 100 other things but this one is marginally free.

You can get Coffee,Coffee BuzzBuzzBuzz in the slice format??? Fuck I hate my grocery store

Ugh gross, probably with a much, much, much younger woman too

Big fat no to the idea of becoming a parent at 60

I’m mainly horrified by having to clean that pan afterwards, put some damn foil down

The Ego baby Adapt doesn’t require an infant insert, not sure if they make it in the mesh fabric tho

The Ego baby Adapt doesn’t require an infant insert, not sure if they make it in the mesh fabric tho

It is known.

Yeah around that time I started you know, showering and brushing my hair regularly as well as stopped wearing make up that made me break out. Upgrade! Younger me was not supercute

Hard Pass.

I spent a long time talking myself out of getting an epidural because I heard they were around $1,000. Ended up getting one anyway because my body hates me

because ppl looooooove attention and will get it any way they can

Sam from Cheers? Yeah Cheers is definitely not baby friendly

I sometimes bring my baby to a restaurant specifically because it makes him fall asleep, however you better believe that I am ready to stuff a bottle in his mouth the minute it opens and noise comes out

but this will be the baby that fixes things!

this story is amazing and I want to be you now

buying a refurbished phone which has the worst service of all time

There is nothing more horrifying to me than being forced to leave the house in heels in the winter. It’s just not possible. I do however love to rock a dress and some glittery makeup but unless the apocalypse happens I will not be leaving the house and if there is a God I will be sleeping at 10 pm on New Years

Oh man somehow I missed the news about Paris’ breakup! I wonder if her holiday was filled with her family members asking when she was going to settle down and actually get married?

I read this as every day is an eating holiday and was like yep that checks out