
My last boyfriend, who was as feminist in practice as anybody could hope for, wouldn't call himself a feminist. He agreed entirely with the dictionary definition of feminism, but felt that the movement of feminism had been warped and twisted away from that definition.

What advertisers pay for time during NFL games is determined by ratings.

Go Seahawks!

Hetero girl here:

Only an entitled twit would argue that sex between two people in a relationship should only occur when both partners are feeling a 10-out-of-10 on the enthusiasm meter. Learn to compromise.

Seriously, at this point we've gone past making a point to pure obsessive insanity.

You're a crazy person. Just stop already.

Seth McFarlane seems very likable to me.

What's wrong with dating Seth McFarlane? He's cute, talented, funny and rich. All good things.

As I recall, the issue is that he a)shared it on HIS facebook page. not hers and b) a lot of the content was actually from Eminem songs.

You realize she has free will, right?

Congrats to them!

You kind of left out the point that the organization doing the march has also been pushing the school to suspend fraternities for a while.

Looks every bit as terrible as the first movie.

I always laugh at people who think pointing out spelling mistakes in texts or internet comments is a sign of their own intelligence. 99% chance the person typing was just rushing, didn't give a shit, or was autocorrected, but totally knows how to spell.

LOL, yes, why should the facts get in the way of your emotional response?

What a terrible, unnecessarily defensive comment.

Holy shit, this is one long ass vanity article. I hope you got some money from Cosmo for this.

A vote for Swift is a vote for feminism.

You realize the reporter that wrote that story worked at Buzzfeed right? I wouldn't call the Rolling Stone debacle a failure of old-school journalism. It partly was, because her editors didn;t put the kibosh on her obviously poor content, but it was just as much a matter of somebody taking their 'must be first, must