
Beyonce articles.

Esther Perel, a leader in the field of sexuality, says it like this: "the cliché is that men are always interested in sex. Male sexuality, we think, is like a perpetual motion machine. Contrary to women, their desire is seen as uncomplicated, a simple biological force seeking an outlet."

Gonna play the devils advocate here.

What did they expect would happen if they stormed a police station? Milk and cookies before bed?

I haven't claimed they're on the same level, merely that this isn't as odd of a pairing as people make it out to be. I think it's likely that they mutually appreciate each other's douchey characteristics. He also has a history of being abusive, which is a separate and unfortunate thing.


Ok. Wait. I have never read one remotely nice thing about her, so why are we surprised?

If you noticed in other threads, IWASDARTHVADER is unwilling to have a real discussion about the issue, or accept there are real issues with the story itself.

Well the Gawker Stalker map and the "citizen's journalism" was idiotic and Emily deserved to be taken down a couple of notches.

I also really enjoy the newsroom. I agree that the plot line of this last episode was problematic but the rest of this article just comes off as sour grapes.

Sonic Highways is meant to reflect Grohl's own fandom and musical upbringing

Yes, they were dismissive and elitist. Facts are merely a construct of the elitist patriarchy.

"The incorrect thing you said was warranted more than the correct thing they said, because your tone was better"

I find it pretty funny that you have an issue with their tone when it turns out they were, ya know, actually right. Anyhow, if you want to see something dismissive & elitist (with a healthy dose of condescension) reread all of the comments Anna's made directly to Bradley & Soave in the comments section of that other

Her response was juvenile and insulting. She jumped quickly and loudly on the bandwagon of incredibly shoddy reporting that is now revealed to be fiction. The Bradly/Soave articles were respectful and cautions (as were the many, many other articles questioning this story).

They were right. "Dismissive" was the correct tone to strike.

This is a tough one. I have to say this though - whenever anyone in the comments section even touches ever so slightly on possibly questioning anything about a rape victim's story - ANYTHING - they are roundly shouted down by most of the other commenters and labeled "victim-blamers". I think there's a general tone on

I think there's a tonne of bullshit to unpack here. And it's sad that it reflects badly on feminism, because 3rd wave feminism/queer theory etc. could help everyone out here. This is a perfect example of how patriarchy and socially imposed gender roles hurt everyone. And how Jezebel should not be thought of in any way

I'm curious: If Jay-Z had attacked Solange, would Jezebel post an article entitled, "The Top Theories About Why Jay-Z Attacked Solange", recounting all the various speculation about Jay-Z's possible alcohol use, Solange having insulted him as a father, and him standing up for Beyonce? Or would we bypass all discussion

"But the objectification of men is a false equivalency to the objectification of women, because what's being fetishized is strength. Virility, capability, vigor, fortitude. Power. In a world where men actually do have power."