
This is pretty much Poe’s Law, right?

Eh, I can see both sides of the argument. At first glance it does seem like it is minimizing the BLM movement, and some of the cartoonist’s arguments (specifically the last ones) are reaching.

This has a very People’s Front of Judea vibe to it, which is always good for a laugh.

You can never be woke enough. How do you even keep up with this lunacy? You're just going to consume each other in an attempt to prove who is the wokest. It's a lot of fun to watch. 

This is like a lot of protesters this generation. Looking for attention, social media pictures and likes more than change. White people doing anything more than playing a support role to black people and other minorities is suspect AF.

This reminds me of the other stories we frequently hear about women who run start-ups. People with no training in organizing and management trying to run a group like this, having never been vetted for the role and especially when growth is going at breakneck pace, are going to fuck up then dig in their heels about

I know this is just a news piece - however is society really going to start pushing for resignations over family issues and infidelity? - this seems like a step too far. Shady, but not abuse. 

To what degree am I personally supposed to care if someone who works on a video game I’ll probably buy cheats on his wife? What’s the fundamental difference in a person’s “good” score between infidelity vs they hit a parked car and don’t leave a note? Under-report income on their taxes?

If there’s a movie I want to see being played in the theater, yes. 

So... your arguement is economic and social reform in weeks? Ya. Not feasible and a totally different topic than what I was discussing besides. The inevitability I was referring to is the increasing of the R to above two...

Hell ya I will.

It wasn’t a decade ago that the big ‘pop-feminism’ talking point was. “Its our bodies, we can sleep with whomever we want and its none of your damned business!’ The one caveat, apparently, is the guys you’re choosing to bonk should have a less skeevy agenda than you about it. I jokingly called this ‘drunk college

Think about this comment for a second. They either work or they don’t. If they don’t work, then why do health care workers use them?

This is what I refer to as a “This is who we are shitting on today” post

World class clickbait. I’m not being facetious. 

he just wanted any available masks to be saved for health care workers.

The retort I’ve often heard re: the UK royal family is that they bring in far more money in tourism dollars than they cost to “maintain.”  I don’t know if that’s true, but if it is, it’s an interesting statement, of sorts:  The ruling elite basically reduced to circus animals.

I’m maybe in the minority. When I hear master slave, I think BDSM and sex slave first. I didn’t even realize the race thing until I read the article.

White and black hat goes back to old (lemme be retard) non-rainbowized (is that gonna be homophobic to say, retards?) cowboy movies. It’s how they told good and bad guys in silent movies. Is “silent” okay to say? Hope that don’t offend anybody.
It’s mostly derived from psychology as we associate a fear of darkness and

This is interesting, because AFAIK the connotation of “black” being evil and “white” being good far predates the invention of race. So I rather doubt that “whitelist” and “blacklist” were originally intended with any sort of racial implication. (The opposite may be true: those espousing race theory may have selected