
“greed is good” capitalism has major flaws. One could even say, fatal flaws.”

So you are never coming out again?  Because to date, we have never made a vaccine that works for a SARS type virus.

If there was anything worth seeing, sure no problem.

Most rich people don’t need to tell you how they got their money.  It’s obvious.  Most are business owners over 60.   It’s no big secret, that’s why they don’t have to tell you.  You know where Gates, Buffett, Bezos, Musk, ect got their money, it’s right in front of you.

I refer to humans as monkeys regularly. Because we essentially are. *shrug*

Maybe. I have worked in healthcare for 20 years. I have been through SARS, MERS, H1n1, H2N3 as well as half a dozen other minor infections. I may simply be less emotional about all of this since it’s old hat for me. *shrug*

A lot of people sure are acting like it’s news. *shrug*

You either keep everyone out, or it’s going to get back in.  This is a global pandemic until it’s gone globally it’s gonna keep on spreading and New Zealand won’t be spared either unless you stay in full lockdown mode forever.

Great book series.

Mass death happens in pandemics. It’s part of the gig. We do what we can for those populations who can be protected. But for the most part, the virus will kill off the sick and infirmed and occasionally someone who seemed healthy.  Death is simply the end of living and it comes to all of us.

Their immigration laws are pretty strict and racist.

Just put one on when you’re outside your house or apartment and wear it continuously.

The world could do just as well without any individual man-monkey.  No one person is essential.  Not you, not me, no one.  

It feels like it’s 50/50 the people using them.

I still can’t fathom why I am still seeing people outside without masks on. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH EVERYONE?

(Could be Poe’s Law here)

That’s a bad analogy. We may never have a fix for this leak, we have seen other leaks like this and never had the tools to fix it before.  So we can collectively die of thirst or deal with the leak buy putting a pan under it or build a french drain.  But until you have the materials to fix the pipe it will just keep

The American passport, once a ticket to so many parts of the world, is about to become a liability.

After months of staying indoors, standing six feet apart at grocery stores, and wearing masks everywhere, life amidst a plague is what feels normal now.

I agree, defund all the police departments in major cites...except mine.  BLM!