
What does normal look like? Look at the South. There seems to be a collective decision that things would go back to normal on Memorial Day because the sun is out, lake life, and baseball season. We have the numbers to show for it, too. There’s a few masks here and there, but it’s a political statement that you don’t

probably* but China’s data should be taken with a grain of salt. Wuhan alone they estimate 40K+ deaths based on the business cremating companies were getting during the pandemic there. From the people I know in mainland things have settled down quite a bit, but we will never truly know how bad it was at its worst

There is little more than emotional succor given by me wearing a mask on the other side of the street than you. Sorry not sorry for not wearing a mask on a walk.

Yeah, if there’s an order than you have to follow it but that’s not the case where I live. It’s summer in DC and there’s no order here except for shops and public transportation, so I’ll keep taking my mask on and off (and applying hand sanitizer every time if I’ve touched anything), thanks. For the sake of breathing.

I don’t wear my mask outside. But then again I don’t live in a major city and stay 6 feet away from everyone else.

That doesn’t really seem like a whole lot, in the sum of things.

It isn’t like we have a shortage of people, some thinning of the herd could be a good thing.

“the sad truth of it, is more people have to get sick and die, before more people will start giving a shit and do the right thing.”  By the hundreds of thousands, all over the country. 

What does her being a trans woman have to do with anything? It feels like you’re just patronizing her and saying she’s great SOLELY because she’s LGBTQ? Moreover, when someone mentions that another person is a trans male or trans female in a statement that has nothing to do with gender, it almost feels like a “they’re

Pure speculation. Didn’t Dr. Fauci say a week or so ago that a second wave seemed unlikely given the fact that the states, counties and cities that opened up over a month ago haven’t seen significant spikes? Texas, OK, and Georgia were open ... what, six, seven weeks ago? Most counties in Oregon opened up four weeks

two weeks ago we were labeledgrandma killers” if we went outside or to work.

as soon as the protests sprung up no one cared about social distancing and now that the protests have died down people seem to care again.

To add to what you said, I’d also love to see if we could create separate stats to exclude the micro-hotspots, like assisted living/nursing and those meatpacking plants. I’m kind of more interested in the “healthy general population” stats (not to ignore the others, but they do introduce noise that doesn’t apply to

The problem is there is no fix for this broken pipe, at least not yet. All we CAN do is tape it up until we CAN fix it. We can’t let people go homeless because they’re out of work (or can’t run their own businesses) because they’re being locked down.

why do we keep saying we cant know the effect of protests when everyone else seems to be ready to lay blame on re-openings even when done with limitations?

I love the data, especially The Covid Tracking project, but it’s still all over the place. Testing is going up, so positives are going up, but the rates of positives are ALSO going up (in part because of self-selection...people are more likely to seek out a test if they have a reason to believe they might have been

It was always going to get worse. The point of the lockdown was to keep the strain off the hospitals. Most hospitals are back to pre-corona levels so now we can open things back up slowly and the hospitals won’t be overloaded. If they start getting overloaded we cinch back down again for a bit.

Not true! A gunshot can also cause your mouth/nose to end up on the back side of your head, and then you have to turn it around manually.

I’m not a gun nut and I have enough common sense and reading of the second amendment to realize that Elmer Fudd is a hunter and at no point, to my recollection, used the gun in an illegal fashion to kill dozens of people in a short amount of time. You might as well just retire the character.