Bobby Burns

As long as they’re keeping the overhead very low, nothing wrong with using their fame to help raise money for a good cause.

Biologist here. We can respond to this. These trees offer more to the planet than younger trees (more CO2 absorption, deeper roots, more biodiversity etc) and it takes hundreds of years to replace them. Make a quick call to your representatives demanding protection for older forests. (Planting new trees in cities is

I’ve been saying happy holidays forever, because it covers the entire spectrum of holidays, including New Years. People need to get the fuck over themselves.

That poor tree. Killed to make about the ugliest Christmas Tree ever.

Some people are already criticizing this move. I want to point out that foundations are built around supporting the people doing the work, not doing the work. They’re not starting an organization to replace or overlap with non-profits.

Could anything be more representative of the next four years?

Alabama sucks at everything.

No. It’s a goddamn cedar tree. It looks gross because it’s not a traditional type of xmas tree at all. This was the dumbest idea ever.

Looks like shit is that what Christmas trees look like in Alabama

Other noteworthy (Four-star ranked on charitynavigator, meaning your funds are guaranteed to go far and towards the actual cause) LGBTQ+ organizations you should consider donating to, as well:

“A terrorist attack carried out by a Tunisian citizen driving a truck killed 84 people on Bastille Day this year.”

Terrorists also use trucks. See the Nice attacks earlier this year.

I tend to be skeptical when people talk about World War Three starting...and then some days, I’m less skeptical.

True story. I think perseverating over Trump’s *haha* minor fails is like taking a break from a dense textbook to read a stupid gossip mag. A little light junk food fare for the mind to keep it from exploding.

December 19, 2016

That house Asian thing is particularly bullshit when Cho has put herself out there as a critic of Swinton getting the role. It’s like, “I speak for Asians when I say we’re upset at you.” “Can you explain why you think people are upset about this thing, so I can understand.” “This bitch thinks I speak for Asians, fuck