Bobby Burns

“As Ailes explains in his new piece” - I think you mean as Sherman explains?

Lauren, this is a good piece but where is the Trump description? May I suggest water-logged cheeto, or has that already been used?

Would I make this myself? No.

Thank you for this. Just gonna stare at it all day.


1) they all look amazing

I’m allergic too! When I get bitten it usually swells up a ton and is pretty painful.

I think she was pretty clear - “That is a rapist. These are not rapists.” I mean, DUH! That argument just speaks for itself. /s

Agreed! Totally reminded me of Todd Akin and ‘legitimate rape’

‘That is a rapist. These are not rapists.’

Yay are we sharing gross food stories? One time I was eating mashed potatoes and I found half a mosquito. The other half must have been mashed into the potatoes. I almost vomited and I always eat the bare minimum mashed potatoes I can now, even at thanksgiving! YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT GOT MASHED IN THERE

But how!?!???? Almost like you are responsible for your own actions!?!??

“By having people like Brock educating others on college campuses is how society can begin to break the cycle of binge drinking and its unfortunate results.” - holy shit, does he really think the only lesson anyone should take away from this is not to binge drink??? How about DON’T RAPE

Brilliant plan!! Then I wouldn’t have to keep typing the same thing out. They know what they did.

THIS. Except I am totally doing the “I told you sos” I just sent out three emails and a Facebook message and I am just getting started. It doesn’t matter if he said some ‘cool’ things (that weren’t actually even progressive, just not as bad as previous policies) if he later backtracks.

You guys, clearly “all the straights” implies straights who are not allies. You don’t need to rush in to clarify that. This is as bad as #notallmen.

“forcing transgenders to use bathrooms” - yes, little known fact, before Obama they never even needed to pee

Can they test the drink to see what he put in it? That would be my only caution for saving it/not letting anyone drink/spill it

Yayyy it’s Lindy!

I believe it. Correct me if I’m wrong, but texting nude selfies is often a last, desperate approach to get laid (?) I don’t think Drake has that problem (esp when he had the beard)