Bobby Burns

Yes!! One day when I was little my dad told me that marriage was between a man and a woman and I went to school and parroted that and my friends SHOT ME DOWN. and I am forever grateful to them for that, because as soon as they started using real LOGIC I realized how dumb my original position was.

Agreed!! Like, why is sword fighting only for boys? Are they using their dicks to hold the swords? Because if so, they’re doing it wrong!!!

“an investigative journalism study by CMP” = heavily edited, nonsensical clips strung together haphazardly

“an investigative journalism study by CMP” = heavily edited nonsensical clips strung together

While mounting a true and pure defense of the feelings of men, Tantaros left out one important fact: peer evaluations are part of passing Ranger school and failing peer evaluations (receiving less than 60% support) results in disqualification. It would seem, despite Tantaros’ suggestion, that male Army Rangers are

yeah that was awful

Why does GoT, the show, feel the need to keep adding rape scenes not in the books?? Like, GRRM isn’t that progressive. No need to push back even further.

this photo is amazing

Yeah, and I think it can be hard on a lot of people to get old and feel like they are losing control over their mind and losing the power that they had earlier in life over their surroundings. Still, clearly this dude was in the wrong and also why in the world didn’t his family step in??

Wow your mom seems really caring! good for her!

My dad does this!! He tells stories about his kids that make us sound stupid / are embarrassing to sound cool, or prove a point. Once he got me a toolbox for Christmas and I cried because I wanted a toy horse, and now he uses that story to “prove” that there is a fundamental difference between girls and boys

Oh man I totally feel you about the dad-ruining-friendships memories. One time I was at a friend’s house, and my dad called me and when I answered he began berating me for not being home (even though I had cleared my sleepover with him before) and telling me how selfish I was for leaving the house. I started crying in

My parents had five girls (five!!!) but decided to give none of us the “sex talk” because they were very conservative and did not believe in sex before marriage. This meant that because I was the oldest, I constantly got the “abstinence” talk (my dad would sit me down and tell me terrible things would happen to me if

Hm yes definitely the music executives should be the ones to decide whether Kesha is telling the truth! Because they have music! and executive.

Yeah how come this study immediately wrote off mere correlation and insisted that it was causation?

Okay so based on my experience with high school and college math/science classes, having guy friends in my classes could be distracting, because they thought they were better at math and science than me. They always had to mansplain things. And in many cases, we got questions wrong equally, but when I got it wrong it

Now playing

In the US you have your Budweiser ads, in England we have John Lewis

me too! “you sneeeeeaky mom!”

I want more Jade and Tanner, please! I hope they are prominent next week

My theory is that she’s playing for the camera. Dan liked her after their date, which was mostly OFF camera, at the hospital. I think at some point she pulled him aside and admitted to faking the crazy