I really wanted to read this whole article but the Julianne mentioned Candy Crush so… there goes my afternoon
I really wanted to read this whole article but the Julianne mentioned Candy Crush so… there goes my afternoon
I wanted to send this to all of my friends but then I realized - the less people who know, the more people I can do it to
Photoshop potato art - the best kind of art
Apparently red hair looks really good with potato chips… Brb guys, just gonna go dye my hair a specific color
Yeah the photoshop is running rampant and unchecked. The arms look like those of cgi characters for a low-budget video game
Yeah! You're "sorry" that "someone has interpreted" something bad? Bullshit. Own up to your wrongs.
I feel you. Sometimes I just decide that I'm not going to text anyone until they text me first, just to see if they care. The results are really sad sometimes - some of my friends won't do anything unless I'm the one doing all of the organizing/caring.
What's up with this "chivalry makes a comeback"? Looks to me like the guy's being a dick through the whole trailer. Also the idea to this movie almost sounded cute but wow, I don't think it could be any more preachy
I think this is a really important point. There are many (so many!!!) reasons to hate on Sarah Palin, but the but it annoyed me when she was running for Vice-President and it was pointed out that the Republican National Committee spent $150,000 worth of clothing on her wardrobe. Yes, that is an OBSCENE amount but…
Oh, so we're supposed to decorate our hot tub rooms with portraits of ourselves? I thought everyone was supposed to use portraits of Colin Powell :(
"Sometimes try sex. You'll be better."
"The fact that you see this shirt as a problem, simply says volumes about YOU, not him."
Lorde has NINE TIMES as many retweets on her post as Diplo! Ha!!!! And 11 times as many favorites - take that!!!
Is that why it's the anti woman song of the year? I haven't listened to it closely enough
I think the ad sets up a pretty common situation - trying to leave or drink less or stop talking to a specific guy and having him say, "But it's a *party*." As if you shouldn't go to parties if you're not willing to stay all night / drink all the things / hook up with any guy.
The banter isn't that funny for most of the skit… Luckily Channing Tatum is too beautiful for me to care.
Once my mom took a sick day because it was her birthday and still feels guilty about it. Little did you know, mom, there are POLICE OFFICERS who are just not investigating things. WHAT. IS THERE NO MORALITY? The worst part is that it's not just people not doing their jobs, it's awful crimes that are actually not being…
Yeah! What happened with Jean??
Just looked through the photos on their Facebook post and there are already a fair amount of same-sex marriage ones… Awesome!!
The way he swallows at the end, like he's nervous… I don't know. It's hot.