
Before he was famous...

But if I don't have kids is it okay if I do what I want with my body? Just making sure. I mean I know all women want kids and should be constantly concerned with whether they are setting a good example for future children that they definitely for sure want... But if I don't have kids *right now* you're okay with me

Can we get a shout-out to that mom? Because damn, not only holding a family together while homeless but raising a valedictorian and salutatorian at the same time? Badass Mom award.

Why bother having children if you never want to see or speak to them?

I feel like I need to say that as a hetero cis male of relatively traditional preferences, I find Jes absolutely gorgeous. I don't want to leap too far into objectification, but I feel like this is relevant, because guys like me are supposed to be the target of male-gazey advertising, and I find myself pretty bored

Yeah but just when we're about to give up, we'll find that the perfect rom com of our dreams was right in front of our faces all along, right? RIGHT?!

Don't worry your pretty head. You'll be seeing more of me soon (she said FORESHADOWINGLY).

I feel the same way that Rachelle does. I feel like utter crap and right now all I want to do is this:

A song that painfully details the heart-wrenching abuse she went through, and you boil the song down to her singing about Bey's success being 'bittersweet'? Jesus H. Macy.

While the thinner-waist-bigger-boobs makeover is indeed unnecessary, as a cartoonist I think the biggest problem with the "made-over" versions of these ladies is that the artist(s) can't capture their personalities the way a talented animator can. Their faces are inevitably covered with more makeup, but in addition,

It does. But 35% are eligible for free lunch. Those kids should be getting healthy food.

She has always been a warrior- reminds me of the archetypes OYA, Iansa, Athena. She is a total bad ass. Of course she got rid of anything that could leave her children motherless. Of. Course. May she live long and healthy.

Those people sure are standing together on that ground.

I'm going to start referring to my cleavage as "the gospel" from now on.

We should probably try to, as a rule, start every comment on this forum with "As Sirius Black said" from now on. This would make me very happy.

She doesn't seem that crazy to me. I'm sure Will Smith acted like an asshole when the success hit, though - almost any 20something would - and she should have known better than to fall out with the star of the show. Chilling how quickly someone's whole career and future can be instantly screwed up by refusing to kiss

I really don't think Hubert was acting at all 'crazy' in this small segment. She used her sense of humorin parts and she seemed to handle the situation quite maturely overall, especially at the end with her careful consideration of everyone owing everyone an apology, including herself.
I feel that by using the terms

I live not too far from this family, and they live now the exact same way they always have. They might have a few bigger parties every now and again (Halloween was a blowout for the whole town in their yard, they just let people drop by) but in general, besides Alana's pageant dresses, they still shop at Wal-Mart,

Damn it! Now all my money-stealing plans are foiled! Oh, well. Time to enact the failsafe for fooling men: pizza tied to a string, followed by vagina dentata.