I’m not sure if this means I need to turn in my Jezebel Lesbian Shitass(TM) card, but found their conversation interesting. I guess I’m not above thinking about theology, creativity and wonder.
I’m not sure if this means I need to turn in my Jezebel Lesbian Shitass(TM) card, but found their conversation interesting. I guess I’m not above thinking about theology, creativity and wonder.
I want a friend like Quinn. Seriously. That chick doesn't *not* bat an eyelash.
I don't think "Ussies" is going to catch on. Because PUssies.
This is a beautifully written piece, and I thank you so much for sharing your complex feelings and your family's history. What is happening right now in our country is bringing to light what has been happening all along in our country, and I am not sure how exactly to be a part of the agitation for change without…
I just watched that. And now I feel weird for a) invading their privacy and b) being a person who gives a shit what the guy from HSM does with his tongue.
I have never seen this before, but kudos. I laughed out loud while I was supposed to be working. I will write about it in my next letter to Brad Pitt.
I don't see a lot here to be outraged about. I wonder if this is what Jez expected. To me the images didn't seem that different from what I see on my TV each week, and as a fan of Girls, I *have* seen a lot of Dunham. This just proves it.
Considering my deep, inappropriate feelings for Michael Keaton as Batman, I confess I was excited about the *idea* of Sexual Batman Photos (tm). However, semen on a Batman head is not hot. No it is not.
In Olivia's defense, that *was* a badass fireplace.
Co-signed. I hope the VP's hub was good in the sack. James deserves a little strange after everything Cyrus has put him through.
But he sure has nice abs. Amirite? Screen caps anyone?
Bellamy Young is a rock star. I loves her.
I think Breaking Bad is going to end with Mr. White buying boxer briefs.
This bums me out, as I named my kid Sofia back when it wasn't cool.
She is amazing. I admire her courage, and her role on OITNB was the first depiction of a transgender person that I have ever seen that hit me on such an understandable, emotional level. I know everyone's story is different, but it has given me a glimpse into the complexity of the transition, and how it affects so much…
LOL! I must use that expression today. Sooo much more elegant than a simple "fart face."
I think it's visually delightful and very creative, which is what I have come to expect from Gaga. So much of her persona seems to be carefully crafted performance art, whether it's eating lotsa pasta and trolling the bodysnarking media, or the "feud" with Perez. I even think the sad clown makeup is beautiful in its…
My first daughter was the same way, and I wish I could just come there and hold your crying baby so you could take a nice shower and shave your legs. In the end of all the searching for answers and solutions, what worked for me was to swaddle her, bounce on a birthing ball, listening to white noise, while rhythmically…
I think this is the best recap of the episode I've read yet. You rock.
Great point. I can see — from a marketing standpoint — reinvigorating the characters (sell new T-Shirts, princess dresses, etc.), as well as because many of the characters were created in the very early days of animation, but the newer characters all seem so homogeneous and lacking personality. That being said, they…