
I don't know, when in you're the running to be the leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world, I think that's a small price to pay.

I'm sorry, I'm asking seriously - is English not your native language? I'm taking solely about Jezebel.

Not to mention there are a TON of Asian (south and east) actors/characters on television right now that aren't stereotypes. But you never read articles about them! Because like I said, it's always black and white.

You could make the argument that what they look like effected their contracts, but Angela Basset is a HBIC I doubt she'd be down with any of that mess.

I didn't realize that, but it still has everything to do with their contracts and not what they look like.

What the fuck are you talking about? How do you know they're not fighting to be represented? In fact, how do you know black women are fighting to be represented? And nowhere did I say it's someone else's job to fight someone's battles for them. You make no sense.

Actually, most people I know have no interest in seeing this movie at all - despite being fans of both The Hobbit series and LOTR. I sense that many people are tiring of Peter Jackson's bloated, self-indulgent hobbitry.

It would also help if idiots didn't take the actions of one idiot diplomat and transfer them to a population of half a billion people.

I'm pretty sure that has more to do with the fact that they are recurring characters and not considered main cast since they haven't been in past seasons.

Well, the people who decide what is Oscary worthy believe Gravity is.

For some reason I can't edit, so I'll just add - it's getting quite tiring to see EVERYTHING in terms of black and white. I mention this a lot on Jezebel, but only because I never see it change. Black people aren't even the largest minority population in the US, but it feels like this is the only minority group that

Where all the Latina (17% of the US population) women at? Where all the Asian women at? Where all the Native American women/people in general at?

She has a cartoon face, but in a good way?

To be "fair" I guess, most of the quotes from that tumblr post (and that "Your Fave is Problematic" tumblr is really stupid and shouldn't be used as a source for anything) come from an article from The Daily Mail/Fail that no one actually knows is real or not.

"and decided to raise him/her as if he/she WAS gay"

I know, and I'm saying all those things do exist and have existed in the past without any religious involvement. Which is why I was confused if you were saying you needed religion to foster things like having a moral code? (I really hope not - the idea that religion is the only place to derive morality from is a

You're right! There's nothing at all wrong with gay marriage! Gay couples who get married hurt absolutely no one (except themselves when they probably get divorced).

Good point. I'm sad that more people don't believe in unicorns. No one has ever proved they don't exist.

I'm confused. We can have all those things without religion. And religious people aren't already materialistic?

I never thought about it that way, but that makes sense. I do wonder what people would say in surveys that have only to do with science and not religion.