Cabbage Patch Mather

It’s from Allen Ginsberg’s “Howl.” It’s the part that Ginsberg’s editor, who was not high on heroin and tripping on acid, cut from the final manuscript.

Well, we may be paying $12 for a head of lettuce by then.

I don’t think one can ever completely end racism or bigotry, but one can get society to agree on acceptable mores and behaviors. The people who supported emancipation, women’s suffrage, the voting rights acts and an end to anti-sodomy laws weren’t all totally free of bigotries. If we had to wait for the children and

I mean I’m like the world’s oldest millennial but do people seriously not remember the Bush administration??? I mean I remember considering voting Nader in the first election I could vote in but thinking Bush was too much of a threat. What the hell!

Disagree. We wouldn’t have the insanely corrupt Trump “Administration” if we hadn’t had the frickin’ war!

In fact, the free exchange of ideas and vigorous debate is what SHOULD always be happening on college campuses. It’s part and parcel of their purpose imo.

I’m getting really sick of people using “people using all criticism of Israel is antisemitism” as an excuse for antisemitism.

Thank you for posting this. I was reading the article with some confusion as a lot of the vitriol and tactics are familiar from hardline BDS supporters in the UK. It is totally unacceptable for either side to harass the other in this way.

One easy way to tell whether someone is sincerely criticizing the Israeli government or just an antisemite is to ask him about Assad’s slaughter of Palestinian refugees in Syria. People honestly angry over Israeli policies in Palestine also condemn Assad, but people who excuse Assad’s crimes don’t actually care about

Since apparently a lot of people didn’t get it: it doesn’t matter that YOU, special star that you are, genuinely mean “zionist” to mean Jewish supremacy and far right Jewish ideology. It has been so adopted by antisemites to mean “all Jews” that it has lost all meaning as a differentiater. I have read the work of

You. Horrific. Asshole. Your entire screed can be jduged against what you left out about Puar.

A conspiracy theory involving the Jews? You guys have more in common with the Alt-Right than you realized!

This article is incredibly selectively (and therefore, poorly) researched and cited. It ignores the very real concerns about use of “Zionism” as a a dog-whistle for antisemitism, which is what the Senate bill aimed to combat. It also fails to note that the online and job harassment discussed is used by some groups on

Talk about burying the lede. “the need to connect feminism and gender to the movement for Palestinian rights”

Du Bois was engaged in an ideological argument with Booker T. Washington, who argued that Black youth needed a solid foundation in the vocations rather than scholarship, in order to become “productive” members of society. Du Bois felt that they were entitled to a rounded liberal arts education, in order to become not

Well, you know that W.E.B. DuBois has done some amazing things, tremendous things, and he’s getting recognized more and more these days I notice.

The author runs a politics communications consulting firm. I’m convinced he wrote this as a sales pitch to work with HRC on a campaign.

While I agree, that someone with less baggage would be better, I find the concept of needing a candidate without baggage as little disturbing. We got lucky with Obama, but arguably this attitude also got us 45. (His baggage isn’t from professional politics so a lot of people were happy to ignore it.) I don’t want to

You’d like to think so, but I still encounter Trump voters who are embarrassed as fuck by him and yet somehow rationalize that he’s still better than Hillary would have been.

I think she’s learned her lesson. What I’m worried about is fucking Bernie running again because you know he will.