Cabbage Patch Mather

Really? What other laws do you choose not to believe are not valid? Whether you believe that nonsense or not, a country, a civilization is based on laws that work to keep people safe. The laws of your country, state that someone walking in from another country and stays, lives and works without the proper

I understand this sentiment and approach. At the same time, this is a political issue and “illegal” and “alien” are the technical and accurate terms. They have valid meanings in this context. We can have nuance in political conversations while also recognizing I personally understand the many realities that lead an

Yes it must suck to be willfully breaking the law and have to worry about getting caught . . . willfully breaking the law.

I’m not looking forward to speaking to my parents about this. I recently moved them to TX from NY (don’t ask why, suffice it to say to get away from the cold and I can be able to care from them). As former illegals who became naturalized citizens under Reagan, they’ve been watching the recent news with growing fear. I

You think deporting illegal criminals is awful and heartbreaking?? I feel like Im taking crazy pills

#notallRussianJews but I feel the need to point out that my great-aunt is a Russian Jew. Her mother was raped by Russian soldiers during a pogrom during or after WWI and she hates Donald Trump with such a furious passion that my (liberal!) dad was shocked and I was like, “Yes! Go you.” She was born and raised in New

I’m continually filled with civic pride by the fact that she is one of my Senators, and that Ted Lieu is my Congressman. My other Senator does not give me the same fuzzy feelings, but all in all, I’m pretty happy with my representation right now. I would love love to see Kamala run in 4 or 8 years.

Can a person be VP twice? I’d love to see her and Joe team up to fight injustice.

She’s also my senator and the person I would most like to see run for president. She is incredible and I am so proud of her.

Following trump with the half indian/half jamaican daughter of immigrants would be so fucking amazing!

Every once in a while, Lorne Michaels uses his powers for good. Don’t think that he isn’t actively looking for ways to get under Trump’s skin a little more each week (and bless him for it).

If it’s all accurate, this woman deserves her day in court, and she get’s my sympathy.

No one gets affect/effect right. Or imply/infer. And don’t get me started on nonplussed!

You mean the former US president who appears on our 20 dollar bill!?

What is the issue here? Eric Trump is the President’s son, so the Secret Service is obligated to follow him wherever he goes. As one of the people running the Trump Organization, he’s going to travel a lot. If you don’t like it, blame 1917's Congress:

Ugh. I told one lady, “It’s not just refugees who are being denied entrance. People who live here, go to school here, work here and have valid paperwork are being denied entrance because of their country of origin/religion.” She seemed surprised. These dumbfucks don’t even know that some of these people have waited

Donald junior is punchable. Eric looks like he’d eat your hand if you punched him

He looks like his mother was frightened by Gary Busey when she was pregnant with him.

I feel you, but you can’t approach affecting the presidency like that—that’s a strategy you can use in other places, like against the “alt-right” “movement,” but the fact of the matter is that Herr Drumpf is leading the executive branch, Republicans control both houses of Congress, and while liberals have the numbers,

I am in your same line of reasoning, something is going to happen so how can we minimize the damage. I live in CA, which is like the 8th largest economy in the world (or 6th depending on who you read). We have A LOT of very powerful business interests. I maintain that when push comes to shove, there is no way