Cabbage Patch Mather

Who reads Oscar Wilde anymore?

We can debate whether it’s good policy to scare businesses into hiring more American workers, but I appreciate the work Trump has done to bring this important issue into the mainstream of the Republican Party.

Given Trump’s disastrous border tax proposals coupled with immigration uncertainty, stranger things have happened.

Uber’s a fucking game changer- love it!

“Flowers for Aljeron has been and continues to be a musical tour de force”

In a few short years, Du Bois will have accomplished a whole lot more.

Du Bois was deeply wrong on communism, obviously, but otherwise a pretty incredible person.

You shouldn’t have to point out anything to a bigoted troll.

fuck, that made me laugh so hard that I woke my wife and pissed her off.

Yeah, it’s called irrationality. Many people prefer feeling “right” to actually effecting positive results.

Okay, then resist.

It’s not a question of what he deserves, but of what we can do to survive. If a highly intelligent person has Trump’s ear and can manipulate him on one positive decision, i’ll take that over a nuclear catastrophe.

We have no evidence that he won’t. So, he crashes the plane and we are all wounded or dead.

Here’s the problem though:

Imitation of Life and All about Eve are perhaps my two favorite films of all time. I saw them both around five years ago during a classic movie binge and was shocked that I hadn’t heard about them earlier.

It’s a brilliant film; One of my all-time favorites.

Yeah, for a guy who so interested in extra vetting of immigrants, Trump never took the time to vet his own executive order.

Strongly disagree. The American people need to be reminded again and again how important it is that everyone is insured as comprehensively as possible. And Bernie makes this case better than anyone.

Absolutely correct! Unfortunately, half of the Republicans in the country haven’t looked up from hooked on phonics for long enough to see what’s going on in California ( West Texas, Iowa...) with renewals. It’s incredible.

Yeah, the cars are out of reach at the moment, but they’ll be rolling out one for the masses pretty soon. More than that though, Tesla’s hoping to create a revolution in solar and battery technology. I’ve seen their battery (gigafactory) factory outside of Reno and it’s fucking unbelievable. It looks as if it