
I think this paragraph in that Atlantic article is really telling:

Your article made the point that it is about the DNA test. My comment makes the point that it is not about the DNA test.

He seems super nostalgic about high school, like his emotional development stopped around his freshman year.

This comment has a Cormac McCarthy feel to it. I like it.

Why’d you quit drinking if you were hardly drinking before?

Rawdogging for sobriety?  Interesting, interesting...

Man here. Have never worried about my career being destroyed by a rape allegation. Apparently, it’s common for Republicans though.

WTF? Seriously. WTF?!

If your male partner stops brushing his teeth you need to make him your ex-partner.

From the terrific essay “Why I Stopped Watching Woody Allen Movies,” by Olivia Colette (bolding mine) :

Nobody remembers EVERY encounter with EVERY person they went to high school with.

I’m not his age, but I wouldn’t remember every encounter, but I would certainly remember an encounter if it involved sexual assault, no matter how old I was. And if Kavanaugh is so cavalier about sexual assault that it’s not important enough for him recall it, then that’s even worse.

America’s national pastime is not baseball it’s blaming imaginary Black people for bullshit and crimes that white people commit; even the police get in on this one.

I was thinking the Spider-Man 2 game for Ps2.

I tend not to comment on women’s appearances but... do conservatives just have a little tree that cruel-looking blond women bud from?

I think a lot of people here are misunderstanding these numbers. It isn’t saying that 50 year old men are fucking 18 year olds. It is simply saying that 18 year old women have the most hits. And independent of that 50 year old men have the most hits. In other words, it is easiest to find a willing partner for those

Oh no, most definitely got to organize them, just by size and type. Color actually makes it harder to find the pieces you need.

This reply comes deep from within the financial advice machine. Firms and their advisors alike have been foaming at the mouth since this rule was announced because it generally prohibits them from receiving commission or any variable comp unless the client signs a de facto waiver which then opens up the advisor and

The half windsor is perfect for people like me who are somewhat large but don’t shop in the Big & Tall section, and aren’t required to wear a tie often.

My guess would be that a full windsor on a slender neck looks too heavy.