Yeah, I think this is maybe a situation where one person’s “gratuitous” is another person’s “unflinching and honest.”
Yeah, I think this is maybe a situation where one person’s “gratuitous” is another person’s “unflinching and honest.”
This hardly surprises me, as people have been calling on DC to drain the swamp for years.
Maybe if they smiled more.
Best: Borrow from the library and donate the purchase price of the book. Donations of books aren’t free for libraries — there’s work, and therefore money, involved in preparing a donation for lending.
This is one of temhe very few books that I've ever straight up given up on mid-read. It was horrid and I didn't understand anything that was going on and I was really bummed because I loved Willow.
Madmartigan will be the weird, fat uncle who drops by and again for a beer and a bite to eat.
Chris Evans as Madmartigan Jr., please.
DO NOT BASE IT ON SHADOW MOON. That piece of shit “sequel” that made absolutely ZERO sense and killed people off page and changed everyone’s names. I love Claremont but DAMN did that book piss me off. Willow is one of my all time favorite movies that introduced me to fantasy. If you screw it up in other ways I would…
Man, Wasp kicked ass in that movie. I love both Ant Man movies but they just don’t seem to get the same recognition that the other MCU movies get which is a shame because they are just so damned fun.
My son was six when this came out and had seen some of the other movies at home, but got a little freaked out by some of the scarier scenes, so I didn’t take him to this one either. I saw it, drove home, told him and my wife to get dressed, and drove right back to the theater with them. I watched him instead of the…
I like Twizzlers, but I assume the waxy texture is offputting to some people.
I personally don’t like strawberry. So strange as it sounds, the dulled generic “red” flavor of red vines is preferable to the strawberry flavor for me (I accept that I’m an oddity here).
Don’t these people know better than to get on a bus with Keanu Reeves?
Yeah, it’s freaking Merle Haggard and Buck Owens. Like, there’s an even chance that a given person’s mental snapshot of “old-school country music” has more to do with Bakersfield than Nashville.
“Bakersfield sound” is an established term for a subgenre of country music, FYI.
Two bits of wisdom we learned years ago...
1) If the school wants your kid, they’ll find a way to make the money work. Don’t let the sticker price put you off.
2) The Dean of Admissions from Princeton told a group of parents having palpitations about getting their kids that Ivy League admission “We have on or affiliated…
That footage of David Hasselhoff as Nick Fury is actually from the TV movie where he played Nick Fury.
As much as I enjoyed Poe and usually hate changes to favorite source material (it was Jimi Hendrix in the book) this still bothers me because the second book is so different and would not involve him or earth really at all. The second book is more Normandy invasion meets Indiana Jones.
If Apple doesn’t want to make iPods anymore, I wish some third party would take up the mantle and make an iTunes compatible player.
If Apple doesn’t want to make iPods anymore, I wish some third party would take up the mantle and make an iTunes…