a product that says, “I like to waste money and poop my pants.”
a product that says, “I like to waste money and poop my pants.”
I am actually much happier to read that she is struggling with balancing these completely understandable feelings than before, where it just seemed like she was concerned with how hard this whole thing is FOR HIM. I was nervous to read this given her previous statements but it was much more nuanced than I expected.
When I was kid my mom would take us to store and she’d only speak to us in Portuguese because she wanted us to learn it. One time at the register of a supermarket a white lady made a comment to her friend to the effect of ‘I wish these people would just learn English or stay where they came from.’ To which my mom…
Nah, just limit the amount of carbs you take in and force your body to run on fat. It sucks for a while until you adapt. Lots of ultra-runners at the extreme end of things (150+ miles) have moved towards a High Fat/Low Carb diet for just that reason. “Keto adapted” is a real thing. There is no wall...just the one your…
guess you forgot to invite me to that meeting, The Last Jedi is the most fun I’ve had with a Star Wars movie since the original trilogy ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m defending the suggestion of Crown as a gift. No, it isn’t a “special” whiskey, but does everyone on your gift list deserve a “special” gift? As a fan of all types of whiskey, I wouldn’t buy Crown for myself because there are many other whiskey’s in the same price range that I prefer (honestly, I love Jim Beam or…
Bunnahabhain 18. People who don’t think they like whisky will be amazed - whisky is not required to taste of peat. This is the bottle you bring out on special occasions with only the best friends.
A bottle of crown royal will (should) warm any man’s heart.
man here: please send me all your laphroaig 10s
so sad. any child of the 70s knows her work well and any child of a single divorced mother knows these stories and headlines and their effect too.
The best take I’ve read is that Schumer, being familiar with NYC subways, is adopting the familiar posture you adopt when a crazy person accosts you on the subway. Hunch your shoulders, smile vaguely, don’t make eye contact.
“Obviously making drunken sex jokes to a woman is wrong. Obviously taking a photo in poor taste of a woman is wrong. But let’s not try to equate that to people that literally raped dozens of women”
Concern troll is concerned.
Missing the part of the article that equates his behavior with raping dozens of women.
It’s misandry to expect a man to treat women with the same respect he treats other men?
All righty then.
You are the only person here who’s brought up someone who raped dozens of women. Where do you see people doing this nefarious equating you so fear?
“I mean, rape should be a career ender.”
you’re an idiot
I’m sort of surprised anyone is surprised by this one. Five minutes of listening to Neil deGrasse Tyson speak (about virtually anything) should be more than enough for you to realize that he’s the kind of guy you never want to be alone with in an elevator.
But let’s not try to equate that to people that literally raped dozens of women...