
Did she have all her teeth in this future vision, or did she overcome her father’s terrible practice of giving her a popsicle and then putting her to bed without brushing her teeth?

This is all well and good as a Spotify-centered option. But what is a decent replacement for an iPod generally? I just want something small to put in my pocket running to listen to music or podcasts.

This is all well and good as a Spotify-centered option. But what is a decent replacement for an iPod generally? I

Soros “has lately been the target of right wing conspiracy theories”?  Lately?  Those have been going on since at least the 1990s.   

As an anecdote to support this point—that it is about older men getting the most hits—I’m a 42 year old reasonably attractive man who got on OKC earlier this year looking for partners in the 35 to 50 age range. I get way more interest (likes and messages) at this age than I ever have in the past, primarily from women

If she’s travelling for shows, need to add in her travel and lodging costs.

If you owned the car for your use, you could get capital gains treatment (long or short). But for these speculators, it starts to sound like inventory, which would be ordinary income.

I’m in a similar situation. I started the Witcher 3 in early 2016. Made it through the main quest in my limited free time, then started playing Overwatch. I feel this obligation to finish the expansions for the Witcher 3, and have been forcing myself to spend an hour here or there working through it . Basically I

The surfing part of California Games for the NES is the only part I remember. But Wikipedia tells me it also had footbag (hacky-sack) and frisbee.

She was a Republican for almost 30 years. Since people criticize Clinton for her support for Goldwater in the 1960s, I’m sure someone on the left would have found a reason to attack Warren on the basis of her prior registration.