
Making the cute girl character kissing another girl is the easy and safe route.

Playing fair makes us liberal/progressive. Abandon that and we have nothing.

The problem is that being truly progressive, tolerant and liberal is not supposed to be easy. Once you compromise, they win.

I know that you are not suggesting HRC was conflict-free, and I am not suggesting that her conflicts rise to the same level as Trump’s, but I do take issue with many on the left who view Trump’s conflicts of interest as disabling and problematic but who were prepared to celebrate Hillary’s win without asking these

I find it weird that they made a point to create a game where everyone was from super diverse backgrounds from all over the world. Yet everyone celebrates Christmas? Huh?


A couple things.

A whole hell of a lot of women violently hate other women. And they don’t care when other women are sexually assaulted,if they don’t actively route for it, because they know sexual assault only happens to bad women who deserve it, so they’re safe AND dirty whores get what’s coming to them. It’s a win-win.

Bernie was a garbage candidate who survived only because the Clinton campaign was too afraid of alienating millennials to do even the slightest negative attack on him.

Weren’t you too busy to vote yesterday?

The male tears I am collecting in response to this will be enough to never be thirsty!

They just don’t care because because their rights aren’t being threatened. I don’t know what kind of reaction they were expecting with this piece, but I’m glad people are taking them to task for being so self-centered.

Solidly in the greys, but since the only way I’ve been able to survive this election cycle is by reading Jez, I just wanted to say thank you. To all of you. And will enjoy the Live Blog tonight.

As I’ve said in the Deadspin/Concourse comments several times at this point: if you truly have nothing to lose in this election, congratulations on your extreme privilege. The rest of us will vote based on what’s at stake for us. (that’s targeted toward the bs in that post, not you, to clarify)

I wish it was a surprise that all the female staff are upfront about voting for Hillary while a lot of the (mostly white) male staff either aren’t voting for either candidate because they’re not in a contested state or have to “hold their nose” to vote for her.

It’s astonishing isn’t it?

“Voting is fine, but it’s not enough about me. How can I make it less about other people and more about my perception of myself?”

I live in NY and wasn’t going to bother voting because taking off work to schlep to a voting place seems like a waste of time. Like Tom Ley though, I want Trump to lose more than anything but equally importantly, I want him to lose BIGLY.