I'm The Amazing Rufus

Anyone tired of winning yet?

You think this is actually true? It seems time and time again, the right wing  will vote against their best interests as long as there is someone else to put down: “illegals”, “PoC”, etc

My home state, Iowa, went all in with Orange Dumbass in 2016. (And yet if it weren’t for the Iowa Dem caucus picking Obama in 2008, I doubt Obama would’ve been president—go figure.)

MAGA again! People all around our country are saying this, believe me.

Speed 3: Beat the Tariffs

Fuck her, she should have retired January 2013.

All I see is the dude from Red Dragon

Fuck you.


Is the offer void if they’re non-white players?

Sorry the world doesn’t revolve around times convenient for you. Maybe when you get up to pee at 1:30am you can catch the eight and ninth.

Mike Leach is the Vincent of the nWo.

This did not happen, and now this is how I’m starting my week, truthering Mike Leach about the NWO.

Well I never would have guessed that Mike Leach is a dipshit MAGA loser

“Visit my MySpace page for more hot takes about whether LeBron will play for the Kansas City Chiefs next season and why Alex Ovechkin needs to stop showboating with whatever that big metal thing is he’s been parading around lately.”

Somewhere Alex Jones is nodding vigorously as he removes his shirt. However, that’s not related to this story.

Gotta out-breed the MoOzLiMs before institute their Sharia law

Multimillionaire pro athlete promises to buy mother-in-law a house; doesn’t tell her it’s a trailer. They truly lead lives the rest of us dream of.

This hot cereal thing just made me sympathize with Trump and his wall for a few seconds...