I'm The Amazing Rufus

Thats prob a meth scab on her face. She might be trying to look presentable, but to me she looks fucking crazy. That cold stare with the psychotic smirk goin on? Fuck that noise.

Hope the police read her her Miranda Rights ....ugh this is stupid ...fuck that honky bitch.

She’s trying to get the jury pool on her side by looking like a a respectable and friendly white person, it is a standard white person legal strategy. If you are white, then always try to clean yourself up and smile for your mugshot so that the jury pool thinks you are one of them. White people start winning their

Look at that smirk on her honkie face. She is incredibly proud of what she did. I so look forward to her crocodile tears and ‘remorseful racist’ act in court when she is found guilty and realizes that she can look forward to years in jail.

Shhh! You can’t say that! If you even smile at this trailer it means you hate women! hasn’t 2019 taught you anything? ;)

Holy shit, this looks fantastic! There’s so many of my favorite things all coming together, my brain is overloading with all the awesomeness.

Please check your sources @SportsTalkBarry is a parody account. Dude is clowning you on Twitter. Lebron did not FaceTime Lonzo. This is how fake news gets started.

I would just like to say that your attempt to compare a rich white fan/owner shoving a player, who had zero interaction with him or his family, because he felt entitled to do so, to a well known black GM being stopped by a cop, supposedly because his visible credentials weren’t visible enough, and then allegedly being

In his defense, the officer was probably just on edge from being surrounded by so many giant, successful, black men.

I can tell you how this is gonna play out now. He’s probably already back in Canada, so he’s out of their jurisdiction. And the Canadians won’t extradite one of their own. But Batman has no jurisdiction.

I would just like to add in July of 2015 Davis negotiated and agreed to a 5 year deal where he will be a FA after the 2020 season. The thought that he is being held hostage is ridiulous as this is a contract he signed.

Would the same article have been written, with the same continued focus on the Pelicans dysfunction as the basis for why “the organization wasn’t worthy of Anthony Davis; definitionally, it is not worthy of receiving a trade package equal to his value”, if AD wanted to go to the Suns?

If the only point they were making was , you’d be right. But it wasn’t just about the fact that AD wanted to play in LA - Burneko and Chris continually underpinned their argument by trying to highlight the Pelicans “dysfunction” as the basis that the Pelicans should not act in their own best interest, and that the

Come for the LeBron drama, stay for Pelinka being a complete weirdo and lying about Kobe having dinner with a dead guy:

That was one aspect of the argument, but the crux of the argument was that the Pelicans were so dysfunctional that they didn’t deserve to keep him or even get trade value for him, whereas since he wanted to go to the Lakers they simply deserved to get him.

They can’t wait for Lebron to turn AD into a floor spacer who never posts up and just shoots 3's. You know, like what they did to Kevin Love 

“tHe pElIcAnS aRe a tErRiBlE oRgAnIzAtIoN aNd sHoUlD tRaDe aNtHoNy dAvIs tO tHe lAkErS fOr tWo sTaLe sAlTiNeS aNd a pApEr cLiP.”

This is the obligatory reminder that according to Deadspin, the Lakers should have, nay, deserved to be gifted Anthony Davis because they’re so well run.

Then again, maybe it was an especially evil candle? A cursed candle. I demand to see the candle.