So has Hogsworth what's your point
So has Hogsworth what's your point
6 and 10 will coincidentally be the Jets record this season J-E-T-S....JETS! JETS! JETS!!!
“You have been suspended 4 games because, in your words: “Snorted coke, fucked some massage parlor hookers.”
You can not stop the legendary super saiyan!!!
“Look at John Wall drinking that Remy Martin out of a regular glass. Only thugs drink cognac without using a proper snifter!”
Who the hell wants to sit outside in a suit for 3 hours for 165 days a year?!? To me that's the only baseball tradition that makes any sense!
I can watch him transform into a super saiyan all day and I literally have. Oh, and by the way, fuck concafca!
Race relations in the Dominican Republic are confusing. Things are much more black and white in the good ol U.S. of A. pardon the pun.
Wait you mean to tell me that Fred Durst’s younger brother who supports Donald Trump is a loser?!?
You mean the Oakland....err....Los Angeles Raiders.
Ghost Dino would require some Jurassic size Quaaludes.
He went out like a true hall of famer with 2 middle fingers in the air
He sure knows how to shield those balls when he's going at it