Siranthonius Blintzweigel

You mean Israel.  The world’s preeminent ethnostate, coveted by Trump.  We must sever all ties. 

All the more reason we need to increase the pace of immigration.  Hopefully our children won’t have to deal with them.  Our grandchildren definately won’t. 

Correct me if I’m wrong, but the defeatist “we aren’t winning and can never win” trolls operating out of Vladivostok sound a lot like what you have, presumably written and not pasted, here. And every single time they start with an ostensibly anti-Russian sentence to throw the scent off.

What is with the line by line responses these days? What of tediousness? What of length? And no thought for the reader? I would be insulted if I didn’t take it as a compliment.

Please delete this comment.

Yesterday at least two members of this community shamed me for being a tomato. I chose to ignore them but cannot do so any longer.

Can I please get a 48 hour reprieve from you all accusing me of being a vegetable?  Please.  Enough is enough. 

Everyone deserves to be believed, and that’s why we cannot trust Kavanaugh. Ms. Ford was brave enough to speak her truth and that should be enough. Apparently not for the GOP, though. Enlisting a literal prosecutor to question her? Who exactly is on trial here, the rapist or the rapee? We really need to stop this

Rick Cream up there is most certainly not a Nazi troll. He is often thick and dull and humorless and obtuse but his heart is in the right place.  

The walls are closing in.  Who would have thought that a SCOTUS nomination would end in jail time?

Can we please stop it with this defeatist attitude?  We are literally winning, and going to crush them in the midterms.  We’ll flip the House, we’ll flip the Senate.  We will impeach Trump/Pence and hold a special election.  Mueller is going to save us any day now and this sort of pessimism is not helping.  Let’s

What the hell are you talking about?

Alright, you’re clearly still searching for answers to what happened in 2016. Didn’t your girl write an entire f*cking book on it, aptly titled “What Happened?” A joke, really. And she was pimping it at Costco last I checked. Whatever, you know I honestly feel pretty bad for her. Not because she has a soul or feelings

I’ve said this a million times but being silent on issues of this magnitude is not “being smart.” It’s being a god&damned coward and history will remember them that way.

Because we already sorted this out in 2015/2016. If you had it in yourself to vote for Hillary then we are fundamentally different people that will never agree. We are not going to come to an agreement here. How have you not experienced this yet?

Jesus Chrits, do you always comment in double-spacing or whatever is going on here? And then toss in a gif file just to jumble it up a bit more?

Considering we now know that more than half of the domesticly incarcerated literally did nothing wrong and are in jail for no reason I’m starting to become more of the mind that we should 1) End private jails 2) Reduce the number of jails by half 3) Retroactively correct/erase sentences to reflect the more just/fair

Is this a homework assignment or something? I didn’t vote at all. Sure as hell not going to vote for Trump and same was true for Hillary back then. Do I regret it? Not even close. To be honest I was laughing my ass off when Trump won and the first few months were great. All the chaos and crying on the part of

The problem with the 2016 election wasn’t Hillary - disclaimer: I did not vote for her - but Russia, Trump collusion. This is exactly what Mueller is investigating and any day now he will drop the hammer and this entire circus will come crashing down. Special elections, military tribunals, asset forfeiture/seizure,