Siranthonius Blintzweigel

Splinter is a hotspot for unbiased information. All sides are represented here because facts apply to all sides.  And that’s all this place is, a collection of current facts to supplement the reader’s understanding of unfolding events. That’s why you have such healthy, nuanced discussion in the comments.

When who doesn’t win? I can’t see a scenario in which we don’t win the midterms and 2020 given everything we know about Trump-Russsia, the Mueller investigation, and so much more.

Wait, what was a joke?  I wasn’t kidding at all.  We gotta get tough out here.


Sorry but civility was thrown out the flippin’ window the moment Trump won. 

No, I’m talking about minorities as a class of people.

Don’t hold back.  This is how we win.

I watched this live and can tell you that this is not true at all. After Trump mentioned that he has had a few accomplishments as president, there was a nervous chuckle that started in the German quadrant. The Germans are a very reserved people as a result of losing WWII and their sense of humor and ability to react

You implied it, Neo.  And your implication was incorrect.  Apologize to me right now. 

Doctor Chrissy Blasey Ford, Deb Ramirez, and Julie Swetnick are the most prominent three that have really stepped up and risked everything to share their truth. This absolutely cannot be overlooked. This is bravery in 2018. This is strength in 2018. Donald Trump wants us to think he is the picture of those ideals but

The only rope here is the one Kavanaugh used to tie up his victims. 

They have more diversity there?  Those countries are almost entirely comprised of minorities. 

Hamilton took away your commenting privileges.  How did you get them back?

I thew that promise in the trash decades ago. I threw it in the trash where it belongs.

Eight accusers. Are they all lying?

I am exercising my right to disagree with you. 

Wrong, Neonboy.  You missed John McCain, An Hero. 

Hillary was the worst candidate of all time, masqueraded as the best. Bernie was the best candidate of all time, masqueraded as the worst. You had to have a very deep political intellect to understand why he was such a historically amazing candidate and not many have that. So, that’s kind of to your point. BUT, Bernie

Worse than Savile? Are you out of your mind or just racist?