Siranthonius Blintzweigel

Just like Bernie, Beto relies 100% on individual donations from you, the voter. Beto doesn’t want corporate money because Beto doesn’t want to be beholden to anyone or anything except you, the voter.

I’m a democrat. I have an interest in making sure K-man doesn’t make it on to the supreme court.

Guess what I still don’t do?

Call people childish names and accuse them of being a troll just because they don’t happen to agree with me.

Bottom line, don’t be a dick online to people who disagree with you. Please who

Then you stop with the “Hillary *should* have won” shit.

No, which is interesting to me because it makes it seem like he’s capable of more.

There’s no way around, dude. The GOP is the party of rapists and child molesters. The only reason Bill Cosby hasn’t received a presidential pardon is because he is black.

Yo, I think Tomato just hacked your account, my friend. I’m going to hard pass on staying home and letting the Republicans win. 

No, which is interesting to me because it makes it seem like he’s capable of more.  I do wonder what he gets out of this game.

I think his point with that isn’t that diversity is bad, it’s that this fake, “nice-nice” diversity that is pushed nowadays is shitty.

A well-rounded opinion is almost impossible to find outside Splinter these days.”

I don’t Splinter is where I come to for a well rounded opinion.  It has a slant and has explicitly said so.  Which is fine, but it’s catering to a specific audience.

Can you tell me what the world’s Asian only, African only, and Hispanic only countries. Would be really helpful thanks. 

And so it continues. Stephen Miller, Jared Kushner, Trump, and the rest of the pro-Israel, Zionist, ethnostate-salivating white nationalists are driving steaks into the heart of the American Identity.

Voting for a supreme court nominee because of your own political life is a fucking embarrassment to our country. 

The math problem is simple. Getting the data is hard.

Did he actually say “Diversity is not our strength.” Like, those exact words? Because that is a pretty well-know white-nationalist slogan at this point.

Nope. You won’t find a more zealous Zionist group than those in charge right now. 

Gotta hand it you TomatoFace, somehow you still fool people.

Wouldn’t KavaNAW be better? Like as it plays on the actual name better.

Absolutely agree with these comments.  This article is something I don’t often see on Splinter:  concern trolling.  Now is not the time to worry about tone.

I didn’t imply it, she did.