Siranthonius Blintzweigel

The price of condescension. 

Starting to think that maybe Kaep getting completely blackballed and shut out by the NFL is actually the best thing that could have happened to him.  He’s doing so much more good out there in the streets than he could have done on the gridiron.  

God&damn it. When did she go back to her soccer mom haircut? I liked the cool, modern, short haircut. It told a story that this one doesn’t.

You should really look into the modern form of NatSoc fascism. It embraces Israel as an idyllic state of nearly pure whiteness that violently rejects its “othered” neighbors.

Yeah maybe. They’re casually racist as a matter of social decorum. They probably want Israel to be gone too, eventually. Rivaling white ethnostates are not exactly able to play nicely together indefinitely. So that’s probably true.

I mean, good. Honestly that’s good. Be scared. And scare others while you’re at it. If this country needs a big dose of fear to finally wake up then we should be the ones providing it. Like I said, this is a very precarious moment in history. Are we going to wait for the heroes we deserve or are we going to be those

Which is exactly why they are using ethnic Jews to support and push their plans and not religious Jews. You have to understand... it’s only about ethnicity to them. The alt-Reich is trying to fortify America as a white ethnostate just like Israel. They are trying to use Zionist leverage to recreate that here but on a

Not long ago this headline would have been an insult. Now it is a compliment.

That’s actually super good.  I also like KavaNOWWHAT?

Agree to agree.

If anything we should use tone as a weapon.  You don’t like my tone?  Well I don’t like what’s going on in my government. You think I’m being rude?  Well I know you’re being fascist.   Etc etc.  Getting loud is one of our greatest advantages. 

Don’t fall for that.  All of Trump’s closest white nationalist allies are pro-Israel, anti-Palestine, pro-Muslim ban Jews.

I don’t get it.  So now this is Bey’s fault?  How is that even possible?

Unlike Trump’s rallies, this was not off the cuff.  This was not word salads.  This was a carefully and deliberately planned oration designed by Stephen Miller, Jared Kushner, and the rest of Trump’s pro-Israel white nationalists. As hard as it is to hear the things he said today, it’s very important that we do.  This

They said the same about MLK Jr. Gotta see past the superficial stuff and listen to what Avenatti is actually saying.

Sorry, I was mistaken. I thought it was a photo of an improper hanging. They had a bunch of those in VA, MD and the surrounding areas back in the day. Many still think they were done on purpose too.

If you knew the story behind this picture you would not have posted it.

Ok, I’m not really following but I think we’re on the same page.

Wow, quick on the draw with the article. It literally just ended. Brava.

I’m really of two minds here. On the one hand I’m super excited to have PR refugees flooding into FL, PA, GA, OH, and WI to help turn them blue. On the other hand maybe we should just make PR a state. How many electoral votes can we get for it? At least 12. Seems that might be the better idea.