Siranthonius Blintzweigel

Yeah I don’t get this article at all.  Avenatti is uniquely brave and the voice we need in these dark, harsh times.  Men like him have always existed, but there are far fewer these days.  We need to support them wherever we find them.  He’s a god&damned hero honestly. 

He had one of the greatest beards of all time, if you understand what I’m saying.  From one gay man to another, mad respect for what you pulled off with Eva, Tony.  

Well you implied that the White House wouldn’t have a say. Not true because dictatorships always have a say.

Well that’s not her fault.  She can talk about it all she wants to, it’s that the media should be a little more responsible in their coverage of it.  Like they deserve privacy too.

Stop pretending like this isn’t a dictatorship at this point.  It is.

Pretty sure Grant meant it in in the colloquial sense, not the literal...

Hi, I don’t want to crowd your space on this but need to at least stick up a little bit for Jay Z here.  I love Bey, don’t get me wrong.  Love her. But this Becky with the good hair isn’t a thing anymore.  He’s kinda been through enough.  Let them, both of them, get on with it and leave the past where it is, the past.

This tech has been around for more than two years now, FYI.  That’s a lifetime in the valley. 

I’m sorry but this is KavaNOPE’s literally sixth accuser.  At what point does the media start treating these survivors with a little compassion?  They deserve to be believed. 


Yeah I already told you that.  Gonna go make a frittata now. 

Everything about him was Robotics101 except for the eyeballs. They were shifty and betrayed the rest of his performance. It was super scary.

Thanks.  Just posted it on Facebook. 

That is almost word for word what I said.

Wow, thank you for this.  Right at the minute-mark he turned on the distortion and it gave me the chills.  That was super good.  Never knew he was a musician.  Is there anything he can’t do?

Luckily the American people won’t be sticking by anyone who sticks by this guy. 

Stealing this fyi.

Faux News had an exclusive interview with KavaNOPE last night and I watched [spare me the hate btw, this is a really important time in history] and even though every single question was a softball designed to make him look good he still ended up looking guilty af. You could tell he was remorseful, not that it matters,

Warms my god&damned heart to see this. Beto is really close and stuff like this will push him over the edge for sure. Nothing energizes voters like public humiliation and harassment. And remember - even if Ted somehow rigs this thing and wins, Texas still going blue just by demographics alone. Build the wall or don’t,