
My dad would buy us the really, really, really large bag of popcorn from the supermarket. That was our food for the roadtrip. We just ate popcorn for the whole ride. And it dehydrated you so that you didn’t have to pee. If we were lucky, we stopped once every 2 hours.


In middle school, my older brother tried to correct my violin technique. I had taken about a year’s worth of violin lessons at that point and he had seen Party of Five a few times. Older brothers are not always instructing from a place of a knowledge, but rather a place of older brotherdom. Their credentials are not

Give a child a big supersoaker and tall chef’s hat and assign her to guard the perimeter.

Wow, way to jump to the conclusion the letter writer is incompetent. I’m going to jump to a different conclusion and say her brother wasn’t trying to help “correct” anything, but rather being a typical douchebag guy and trying to make her cook things his way.

I was going to reply and make a comment about “50% or more of human knowledge” but I can’t stop laughing long enough to really get my point across.

Oh, sweetie. Women did not invent mansplaining. We are just pointing it out.

“Next person to tell me when to flip a burger gets to eat it through a straw.”

Oh look. A literal nazi.

Who the fuck ungrayed you?

God bless your Nana.

More Feisty lady.  She once took down a mugger in NYC’s Port Authority by smacking him repeatedly with her large purse until the transit cops came to the rescue.  She was a force of nature to be sure, and a supreme spoiler of her grandchildren.

This reminds me of an (in)famous story about my Uncle Phil and my German Nana.

Or be the stone cold badass, like Khan.

To quote Assistant Manager of Strickland Propane and seller of propane and propane accessories Hank Hill: "We ask them politely, yet firmly, to leave."

So there are times when I feel like the whole Brigade de Cuisine system is absurd, but there are also times when I am cooking for a family get together (this is all of the family get togethers) and I wish to be left alone in the kitchen in order to do my best work to the point where I will give my one brother the job

Ana Navarro-Cárdenas (@ananavarro) tweeted at 7:14 PM on Sat, May 04, 2019:
Still waiting for results of #KentuckyDerby2019.
Apparently one horse won the popular vote and another horse won the Electoral College.

Its your brother. Just tell him to go away and that you got it. Punch him if need be.

It’s your brother? Just whack him with the grill tongs and then punch him in the throat. He’ll learn.

So true. A full on, billowing dress made out of a 10 person tent, with a zipper up the front, REI stamped on your ass, and a bird’s nest for a hat would be way campier than whatever the boring fuck this is.

Now playing

I really want someone to misinterpret the theme and show up dressed as a canoe.