
citation needed

Come to NH.  I think it’s a state law that every town has to have at least one covered bridge.  (Not really, but my town does have three of them.)

uh hey great thread guys, but linda has a work thing early in the morning so we need to take off (lin, lets go i dont think this thread is going to end well)

Guys who have been married for longer than 6 months and refer to their old lady as “my bride” give me the creeps.

Hi kids. I haven’t been around on a Saturday for an actual SNS in a while. Stuff n’ things and all that jazz. So in the lead up to Memorial Day weekend I wasn’t doing so great, inside, not that anyone would have known. Last year, while I was getting ready to refi my house, a friend of mine who had been laid off from

This portrait from Berlin showed up on my FB page today via somebody’s blog. It served to remind me it’s been a year since ABourdain’s death. I never met him, and I doubt he’d be terribly interested in me had we met, but I have always loved the Anthony Bourdain shows about travel and I’m still really really pissed

(please ungrey me!)

the M in Mars stands for Moon, obviously...you didn’t know Mars was an acronym?

I was kinda hoping that about five seconds after that was taken, Merkel jumped on him and they all beat him to a pulp.

Does it matter in any practical or historical sense? No. But it does provide (more) evidence of his (lack of) character, which, admittedly, we don’t need.

They must have hidden all the Sharpies in the Normandy region if they actually got him to sign it with a real pen.

Dear France I hope you have the best summer ever. I wonder who will be taller next year. Remember when Kyle had chocolate milk come out of his nose.  “Your Favorite President” - DONALD TRUMP 


When I was in Junior high and forced to go to church, the state I lived in was passing an anti-same sex marriage amendment to the state constitution. The week before the vote, the pastor said that because he’d gotten a lot of requests, he was going to deliver a sermon on appropriate Christian sexuality. The sermon was

I’ve been wracking my brains to think up a time when I betrayed a friend else (to make up for sharing a story where the opposite happened). Here’s the closest I can think of:

I’m not proud of this but it happened.

20+ years ago... This is during the don’t ask, don’t tell era.

My then-bff is in a long term lesbian relationship with someone in the service. This person is risking their entire career to cater to my bff’s whims. For three years, my bff is completely kept bitch. She doesn’t work. While her woman is off busting her ass

It was the summer before 5th grade, and bff and I were preening in front of the mirror in my bedroom. I turn to bff and, stone cold, say, “you know, bff, I really am prettier than you.”

You can still make it relevant to the topic. “Betray” him by turning him in to the cops for drunk driving, then tell us about it.

I’m pretty pissed at one of my long time best friends right now. He’s been a shit friend for the last year or so and now that he finally got his first girl friend ever, shit’s just getting worse. We’ve been buddies for 20 years now (since 2nd grade). He’s currently one of my two roommates as well, which makes this