
Covered bridges are one of the things I miss most about NH. The other is no sales tax. 

Hooray for 24 weeks!!! Hitting early viability was a HUGE sigh of relief for me (although new fear- if something HAD gone wrong I wouldn’t have been able to get abortion care in my state). We didn’t have a shower or anything for my kiddo, just because family is too far flung. I went to a wedding and did the chicken

I sure hope it doesn’t! She said with a baby on her lap.

I got a C shaped pillow when I was like 5 weeks along and used it until BabyVader came! It was amazing. If I’d gone back to the bedroom immediately after my c section instead of spending 5 weeks in the couch I probably woulda used it then, too.

I looked it up yesterday- my state’s primary isn’t until APRIL 28TH. I still have OVER A YEAR before I can vote for anyone. Fucking fuck. 

Oh, I do. I’ve hidden as much as I can on Facebook without causing a family Issue, try to see him only once a year or less, and the addition of my own baby last year made things a lot easier. BIL being ridiculous? Sorry, gotta go change a diaper! It’s great. 

My husband’s conservative sister and her asshole libertarian husband are having a baby soon and I’m SO TEMPTED to get them that onesie. I like his sister so I won’t.... yet. Next time he pisses me off, though, it’s on. 

I promised a friend I’d be at her wedding two states away this weekend. I’ll be 37 weeks. Maaaaaybe I’ll go into labor while I’m there? Gotta be honest, I’m a bit done with pregnancy and I just want the next bit to start. 

We did a HP theme for my 10th birthday and we used battery-operated candles hung with fishing wire. It looked really cool! We also had dry ice in cauldrons and signs outside directing us to Hagrid’s Hut, Hogsmeade, Forbidden Forest, etc. 

My current Episcopal church uses wafers, both “regular” and GF. The very large non-denominational I attended before used a wafer attached to a little plastic thimble of grape juice. Cute but very wasteful. When I was growing up, though, my Episcopal church baked our own host and it was SO GOOD. I almost wish I had the

We have GF host at my church and it stays in its own vessel. It’s blessed along with the regular wafers (Episcopal rules say that the celebrant only needs to touch the vessel, not the host itself) and the GF congregants serve themselves so the celebrant doesn’t cross-contaminate anything. It seems to work! 

For seeing things live and in-person: Target, Walmart, BuyBuy Baby (generally inside of Bed, Bath, & Beyond). We were able to get a $300 car seat at Babies R Us for $150 and registered for the second similar one on Amazon so my parents would buy it for us. Also talking to other people who are parents. I learned about

It wouldn’t surprise me! I’ve seen “comic” Jeff Dunham live a couple times (don’t @ me, I was a foolish teenager) and he’d fit riiiiiiight in. One time his opening act was a very conservative “comedian” who sang a song about brown people going back to their own countries. That’s the show where Jeff spent a lot of time

Aw, this lady reminds me of my recently-deceased grandfather. He was legally blind and regularly kicked everyone’s ass at shuffleboard. He won championships at his social clubs several years in a row and beat his sons and nephews every Friday night. I didn’t have a great relationship with him, but I miss him putting

Yup! Small human, but human nonetheless. I could murder someone with these bad boys. 

His mom was my ballet teacher when I was a kid. She had a “no glasses on stage policy” and routinely made me cry because a) I wore glasses and wouldn’t get contacts as a 7 year old and b) I had human-sized thighs that wouldn’t get smaller no matter how much she shrieked at them.

It’s not cheaper than takeout BUT it means I eat a vegetable three times a week so it’s worth it. Plus the takeout/delivery options in my town are rather limited so Plated is better than “pizza from the one good place for the 5th time this month.”

My dad works for the Fisher Cats this season and he’s really been enjoying watching this team! Vlad is nuts and has totally been winning over the fans. I think they’re all wishing the Sox would try to trade for him so we can enjoy him longer. I’m really hoping to get up to NH this summer to see them, or maybe head

That’s the most concise way I’ve ever seen someone put this. Thank you.