
I proofread them, run them through Grammarly, proofread them again, and then wait for the comments section to tell me what I missed. Thanks. Will edit.

Shelter Cat Update!

At the risk of being terribly unoriginal, its been another up and down week. Every complicated and contradictory week-haver is welcome here. Have a gentle hug and a nice beverage of your choice if you need them.

Okay, so, this is a challenge to share - I haven’t said anything about it at work, and very little in real life - but it has to be shared.

~☆~ Pregnancy/Baby Thread! ~☆~

More immediately, how will he survive a debate against sharper, wittier minds in the primaries (Warren, Harris, or Buttigieg could zap him with a double entendre and he wouldn’t even know it happened).

Fun fact: Bobby Kennedy entered the Democratic primary for the 1968 election in March 1968. That’s not a typo. By that metric, we would have a frontrunner first enter the race next year, in March 2020.

Fucking hell this is gonna be a loooooong primary season.

Just retire, Joe.

Dwayne, don’t be so sensitive and please, calm down. There are few things less attractive than a hysterical man.

Really? You think women dominate unsolicited political advice? That is a spicy take I will take seriously when Berniebros get the fuck off my twitter feed.

Don’t get them jack shit.  If they’re so conservative and libertarian they will appreciate you not giving them baby welfare so that they can bootstrap their parenting skills to success.

In terms of readability/presentability, I think they would have been better served making the O red and the implied E blue. I get that they were going for the red/white stripes of the flag with the horizontal legs of the E, but: meh. That’s a pretty big functional sacrifice for a form whose visual payoff isn’t really

Broke: Coming together as a family to welcome a new child into the world

There’s no way Joe Biden can fit in that onesie

MAGA Fans: Fine with child separation, caging people claiming asylum. Consider murder and cannibalism to be better than abortion.

Jimmy Carter who is a real live, decent human being will not get half of the praise dumped at the undeserving, treasonous feet of H.W.