I really hope 9/11 sales don’t become a Thing, like Veterans Day and Memorial Day sales. Then again, what's more patriotic than spending money on a day that's supposed to be for remembrance and reflection? /s
I really hope 9/11 sales don’t become a Thing, like Veterans Day and Memorial Day sales. Then again, what's more patriotic than spending money on a day that's supposed to be for remembrance and reflection? /s
Yeah, but I’m from New Hampshire and those people can be pretty fuckin’ conservative and racist. And they're all Sox fans.
She’s kind of like the people who think “the only moral abortion is my abortion.” If you google that phrase, apparently a lot of conservatives are against a whole bunch of stuff UNTIL they need it for themselves/their kids. Then they’re all for it.
Holy shit, when did all this dust get in my house?
I was running an after school program (for six hellish weeks before I quit) and one of the kids told me that the old site director used to toss kids in the wheelie trash cans for fun. My supervisor thought it was a good idea and I should do it if they wanted me to. I quit like a week later.
What the actual fuck.
Re: Meloni-
Granny squares and corner-to-corner tend to be pretty simple, I can generally do them even with a migraine which is a feat!
Not sure! I have three cakes of a little less than 400 yards each, so it will basically just go until I'm ready to stop.
That is so cute!!
Fucking snorted my drink.
Why would us wimmimz be allowed to take them off? If they’re not on, how would teh menz know we’re already someone’s property??????? /s
I'd actually pay to see that movie in theaters. Tim Gunn make it work!!
A lot of them are anti-choice, which is my main problem with them. Austin Peterson, the other major Libertarian contender at the convention, had stated that he would work to make abortion illegal. Also they want weed and guns and no taxes on anything.
That song is a treasure. My friends and I sang it in our fifth grade talent show and it's still one of my favorites 15 years later!
HusbandVader wants to know how people feel about adding vinegar to deviled eggs. I want to know how you people can eat eggs.
It’s possible, because the way they made the show is that it starts out a little sitcom-y but grows into something deeper and a little less ridiculous (I say a little because this season there was an episode that was almost entirely underwater with no words spoken for about 20 minutes soooooo). It started to come…
I seriously thought they were going to pull a Parks and Rec and make her decide to have the baby like SPOILER they did with April at the end even though she never expressed any desire to be a parent. Now I get nervous whenever a character is unexpectedly pregnant.
Yup. And in the “Best Thing That Ever Happened” (episode 3.9) she’s talking to herself in the mirror and says “pink lady” and then has a conversation with the person in the stall. I may or may not have just rewatched this last night haha
I wondered why she sounded different!!! IMDB hadn't caught up by Saturday, I guess.