Princess Carolyn is a pink cat, not a purple one #FangirlNitpick
Princess Carolyn is a pink cat, not a purple one #FangirlNitpick
But maybe Trump becoming president (shudder) is a fixed point in the timeline and if someone came back to try to stop it, time travel would never be invented! Kinda like Futurama’s Election 3012 episode.
HusbandVader and I went full hipster- the song that we had our first dance to (Angels by the xx) had just been released, like, 10 days before our wedding. But it was perfect, at less than 3 minutes long and no one else in our crew had used it. Perfect for a wannabe hipster like me.
I did that to my husband! He missed Pokémon when we were kids but now he's totally into it. Sorry, guy. Life ruined.
Mine thought that! So did my Baptist in-laws! It was basically the one thing I had control over in the planning process so I decided I didn't give a fuck. It was empowering.
We had Angels by the xx. Less than three minutes long, sung by Romy Madley Croft (who has my favorite voice of anyone ever), and we used it a month before the album dropped so we could ironically claim hipster status. It's still one of my favorite parts of the day (other than the whole getting married bit).
I’m convinced that Siriano can design for everyone. My mom and I loved him on Project Runway and he’s the only winner (and maybe Jay) whose outfits we’d ever wear (as average-to-plus-sized women who usually wear jeans and sweatshirts when forced to leave the house).
Right? Forget Oprah, I’d watch the shit out of Gayle’s talk show.
I no-poo and only do it once or twice per week. I do shampoo and condition when I dye it (every 6-8 weeks), but I hate the way it makes my hair look and feel until my next wash.
Thank you!
If I ever get pregnant, which is something my husband and I want very much, we’re sending out paper announcements to family and close friends around week 20 (earlier if I’m showing and we have to go visit family). Our two best friends will probably be told in-person before that but they’re both dudes and know me well…
I usually go on Tuesday morning after dropping the kids I nanny at school. Summer vacation is totally fucking with my schedule, so I was really glad to go today!
I used to turn away when the kid I nanny was practicing pooping. Either that or close the door over without latching it and stand just outside. Reading to him while he was on the toilet helped too. I think eventually his parents resorted to bribery.
I went grocery shopping and have spent the rest of the day gaming and watching social justice documentaries/Archer. So you're not the only one haha
Tomatoes are garbage food. Coming from someone who makes pickle sandwiches with almost the same formula (add cheese, no salt/pepper/tomatoes), this is a terrible sandwich.
As someone who’s married to a meteorologist, your last sentence made both of us spit out drinks. Thank you.
Here she is! Good God, I love her.
I fucking love Megan Mullally and Nick Offerman. They’re my ultimate relationship goals/I want to be their best friend/sisterwife and if that's wrong then I don't want to be right.
Well, at least one person in that family is smart. And by “person” I mean “Logan’s dog.”