
Of course!

Actually she has six kids- Chase, Marshall, Rocky, Rubble, Zuma, and Sky. Paw Patrol is based on their wacky misadventures.

Max wore red! And photoshopped it to look orange because “orange isn’t his color"!!! Outrage.

Only if I can be dinosaur crunch!

My pussy likes to hang out in the bathroom. Useless.

HEY NOW. Maine is the Florida of New England. New Hampshire is, at worst, the Oklahoma.

THANK YOU. My dad always gets them at diners and it’s like “sir, why would you put that in yourself?”

“And I’m An Actress or Something, filling in for Some Lady.”

“But only Christian prayer! We don’t want none of your Jew or Muslim prayers, with your made-up languages and weird hats!”

Hismione Granger, if we don't just go with title characters.

It's the cute ones you have to watch out for! The two I watch are adorable and ovary-explodey but SO GODDAMN NOISY AND MISCHIEVOUS.

Man, now I really want onion rings. Thanks a million haha

“Instead of convincing myself that every bodily function is a sure sign of pregnancy each month, I’ve started thinking of it not as an inevitability, but as a rare biological wonder that may or may not happen.”

I have a Scout bag and I LOVE IT. It’s not necessarily my style, but THE POCKETS. It’s insane. Plus it’s called the Pocket Rocket. How can you not love that?

Yes, this! I didn’t go to the gym or anything in college because I didn’t have time between classes and work and student teaching and orgs and trying to eke out a few hours of sleep. Now that I'm a couple years out and my schedule has finally stabilized I can. It's amazing what one can do given enough time in the day

What up, fellow disgusting obnoxious New Hampshirite! This is the best thing ever and I hope she succeeds.

Ugh yes. My parents have tried to lose weight off and on for 25+ years (with varying levels of success) and mom LOVES this show. We used to watch Celebrity Fit Club together and I partially blame that for my messed up ideas about weight loss.

Close, I'm a nanny. It feels like a slaughterhouse some days.

YES. I've removed white from my wardrobe because every. time. I wear something white to work a kid bleeds on it. I'm good at getting blood out of clothes, but it was getting excessive.

I know what I'm doing for my birthday!!!